"Fake" 1.7.8????

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2 Apr 2011
How is the 1.7.8 for Desire GSM made?

It is not possible to download the official rom from the chinese site yet, so how can it already be up and deodexed here? And if it's a port, how is it done and from where?

I'm not gonna use this one, as i am skeptical about it, i'll wait for the "real" rom download for Desire to work.

Unless someone can convince me that the port is identical to the actual release?
Please, enlighten me.. :)
I know what you mean. Ive heard this version is Nexus One build. I wouldnt download it myself its better to wait until chinese devs have fixed Desire's version...
I know what you mean. Ive heard this version is Nexus One build. I wouldnt download it myself its better to wait until chinese devs have fixed Desire's version...

Seriously? a port?
Users should have been told......
Funny, though, you can download the OTA file if you are a Chinese user.
BTW, I'm using miuiandroid 1.7.8 build and so far so good...
a moderator at miui germany did the desire version, mark here "stole" it i guess. well, the mod took the nexus one build and edited some files, cant remember which files. i didnt test it yet, ill wait for the custom rom on sunday.
a moderator at miui germany did the desire version, mark here "stole" it i guess. well, the mod took the nexus one build and edited some files, cant remember which files. i didnt test it yet, ill wait for the custom rom on sunday.

mmmm, do you have any base of this accusation?
Mark could have done the porting by himself as Nexus one a Desire are pretty similar devices and it's very easy to port from one to the other...
I do these devices each and every week and have done for a long time. I think everyone knows this.

My deodex and translation packing is automated. Our packs are our first generally each week or 2nd in some cases.
a moderator at miui germany did the desire version, mark here "stole" it i guess. well, the mod took the nexus one build and edited some files, cant remember which files. i didnt test it yet, ill wait for the custom rom on sunday.

I didn't steal anything friend, I have BETA user access, the ROMs downloaded today where from the official download site, later on in the day some links 404'd. I am unsure why you are accusing me of things like this when i've maintain this site long before any other foreign site other than the official chinese site.

The ROMs i've downloaded are 100% official from China, deodexed with my own scripts and translated.



An apology or an explanation to your accusation would be good.
Also FYI everyone.

My scripts build deodexes and language packs specific to each device, nothing is mixed between any device, I want the experience for users to be as pure as possible.
I know you put a ton of hard work into the site and most of us appreciate you. Sorry for some of the comments ppl made.

Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
i didnt mean this mean dudes, i was just saying that dracid over at miui germany had it before you.

i didnt mean this mean dudes, i was just saying that dracid over at miui germany had it before you.


And I had all the roms translated before anyone? doesn't make me a thief, apology accepted. Please be careful what you say in future, It can cause a lot of problems.


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