General downsides of on the Mi 9?


3 Feb 2019
In the next days I'll receive my brand new Mi 9 and I'm not new to flashing and all this custom rom stuff.

I researched a lot about our pretty ROM and I have a new questions now about general downsides of flashing this ROM.

My demand is a clutterfree ROM which I have to install once and it'll run forever. All this optimazion stuff sounds very nice.

1. But what about using Google Pay? Are there problems in general with the
2. What about Widevine support?
3. Is all the Google stuff working?
4. There are no OTA's right? I have to flash via TWRP every time`?

5. Are there other things I should now?

I really want to use but I need a reliable phone with google pay support which isn't letting me hanging at an instore payment.

1. I have with no root, GPay is working (sometimes on beta it stop to worked but it's quickly resolve)

2. On some version Widevine L1 is working ;)

3. For me yes.

4. There is OTA. But I prefer to download directly the img file every week.

You can still go with a stable version or use a beta version and don't update if you think everything's ok for you ;)
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