LED white blinking


11 Jul 2020
Hi everyone!
About 2 weeks ago my Mi 9 started to shut down randomly. I've made a hard reset and then, ok, back to normally. After 4 days, it shuted down automatic again and it goes dead, no response (stopped recharger e it did not identfy in PC). It have been dead since (maybe about 8 days tottaly dead). Today I've connect the phone to charger and the LED started to blinking in white. 5 minutes after, the battery started to charger normally. Now it full charger and everything seems ok.
Before turn on, I need to know:
- what it means this white bliking?
- theres something to do?
I had a similar problem on my Mi Mix 2 with a blinking white led after the battery has totally discharged.

Here's how I fixed it:
1. Try plugging into different chargers:
Fast charger
Slow charger
Computer USB
2. Charge for a few hours to 1/2 day until screen flashes and/or you see the boot screen looping
3. Leave charging over night or 1/2 day (this will slowly charge up the battery)
4. If the phone still does not fully boot then:
a. Put phone in oven (remove any accessories including case) on LOW, e.g. 250F, 120C for about 2 mins
b. Turn OFF oven, then wait 15 mins for phone to cool down
c. Plug in phone and power ON

NOTE: phone showed 60% charge when it finally powered ON, after the oven trick, so it is unclear whether the final problem was battery related or something else?

Good luck!