Mi 10 Lite 5G (monet) Android 11 update xiaomi.eu_multi_MI10LITE5G_V12.1.1.0.RJIMIXM_v12-11

Wallpaper FC:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method fetchVideoInfo(Z)Ljava/util/List; in class Lcom/android/thememanager/router/detail/entity/VideoInfoUtils; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.android.thememanager.router.detail.entity.VideoInfoUtils' appears in /system/app/ThemeManager/ThemeManager.apk!classes2.dex)
at com.android.thememanager.settings.WallpaperSettingsActivity.R(Unknown Source:31)
at com.android.thememanager.settings.WallpaperSettingsActivity.onCreate(Unknown Source:71)
at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Unknown Source:65)
at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Unknown Source:1)
at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Unknown Source:3)
at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(Unknown Source:399)
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(Unknown Source:47)
at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(Unknown Source:67)
at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(Unknown Source:77)
at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(Unknown Source:73)
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Unknown Source:52)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:19)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:249)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(Unknown Source:101)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Unknown Source:11)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Unknown Source:313)

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2002J9G eszközömről
I receive this 29-12-2020 the android 11 version "EU" by OTA (2.7GB)
I accept to download & install

After reboot, same problem discussed before.

Keep a very long time on MIUI logo.
The power bouton display the tray with 4 icons ( 'restart, shutdown, ..)
But all the screen keep in black and phone is blocked.

I tried to restart but nothing change.
I don't want to factory reset the phone by the starting menu (keep pressed vol+ & power) because I don't save my data.
-> It is an official update, for large scale user. It is not normal to start to debugging it by TWRP or adb commands.

I will wait for a clean solution.

Restart (with +Vol & power)
Wipe all data (will erase all the content)

After that phone start and you can configure android 11
Last edited:
There is a huge battery consumption on standby. I came from stock ROM with Android 11 and there was better battery performance... Maybe a background process? how could I know?
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You install applications in a hard limit and unload them from memory, and they are launched and even those that you do not use
So there's a new life? Does Rom work? Can it be done as an update, or do you have to make a clean installation starting from scratch ?
I installed the newly uploaded update (OTA) by downloading. you didn't have to delete anything, everything works. the battery time was initially shorter, but now it has also become good.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én M2002J9G eszközömről
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Reactions: Fish2009
Thank you! I have the same recovery, but I asked why I do not know in the meantime and something new has come out, which maybe goes even better ! Official TWRP CMQ still does not exist.
Thank you! I have the same recovery, but I asked why I do not know in the meantime and something new has come out, which maybe goes even better ! Official TWRP CMQ still does not exist.