New Mi Drop APK disapears everytime I Flash a new ROM

Nuno Rocha

Mar 19, 2014
Hey, I have a MIX 2S and since MIUI10 came out I have a little "problem" that is annoying me.
Everytime a new rom comes out, like everybody here does, I download it and flash it but in my case, Mi Drop APK goes away...
If I go to the playstore and try to UPDATE it (only option available), I get an error 505.
The only solution I have is:
After the update I have to go to root explorer,
-System folder,
-I search for the mi drop folder and then delete it,
and then reboot the device and finally I can install it in the Play Store.

Its a pain doing this all the time because I really use the mi drop a lot of times.

Is this a bug @ingbrzy?
No bug.. Midrop is integrated into the system.. You don't need to install another apk..
But the APK disappear (the shortcut). It still there because I can see it in the settings and in the play store but I can't use that app not update it
You can use it via toggles and FileExplorer