MIUI 1.4.22 Change log


Site Founder
Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
This weeks change log is rather big and comprises mostly of bug fixes and optimisations.

To find out more, check the list below...



- Optimisation of handling Third Party call handling of records

- Fixed notification of missed calls and messages, LED color and frequency would not set

- Fixed force close (FC) when setting call forwarding

- Fixed the input field box narrow height problem with call forwarding settings

- Fixed answer button issue where it did not disappear after ending a call

- Caller ID issues fixed some FC errors

<strong>SMS / Messaging:</strong>

- Added setting option to enable screen wake when new messages are received

- Fixed issue sending group messages, could not resend messages again

- Fixed issue with cursor position when writing messages and using signatures.

- Optimised Mms preview of images

- Preview Mms optimisation of use with Gallery functions for viewing photos or video


- Optimisation of image resources e.g counters and icons

- Removed Lockscreen widget from ROM, can be downloaded separately

- Fixed a problem with music player buttons not pressing correctly first time

- Fixed problem for some devices seeming to charge slowly due to inefficient charging animation (Not a real issue but looked like the phone wasn't charging quick enough)

- Fixed messages preview and call info views for previews


- Contacts could not be added to groups (fixed)
- Caller ID FC fixed when selecting a picture from the Gallery application


- Optimisation of user interaction when browsing photos or video items
- Fixed issue where some photos caused application to FC


- New full screen UI
- New Anti-shake function
- Fixed issue where pop up menus caused FC
- Auto-focus issues fixed for Milestone


- New now playing panel added, enter playlists
- Optimised the recently added song, track list sorted by time
- Optimisation of folder refresh speed
- Music desktop widgets re designed to repair a number of bugs
- Optimisation of music panel
- Fixed some issues with album cover quality
- Fixed issue where sometimes albums do not display correctly
- Fixed auto play issue on Milestone


- Added view online wallpapers and ringtones

- Added options to control default audio options within themes

- Optimisation of user interface for previewing local themes more effectively

- Fixed default title of theme does not show in local themes

- Fixed issue where popup window informing of components within a theme to be showing items in incorrect order


- Fixed issue where adding a new note to desktop would appear blank on re entering the notes application


- Added support for backup and restore of contacts Caller ID


- Fixed issues with A2SD+ script was causing problems
- Overheating while charging. Animation fixed to prevent issue
- Fixed 12 and 24 hour date and time, separate strings for both options