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Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Camera and/or sensors are not working!
A: You wiped "Persist" partition using an unofficial TWRP build. You shouldn't have done that.
You'll now have to flash the latest official fastboot ROM for your device to restore this partition.

I had no sensors, no camera video etc.. with miui eu Q 11 stable Lavender. Tried everything. People even suggested to flash a new stock rom to reset persistance img etc..

But then I flashed an older stable Rom:

(Myfavorite: xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote7_V11.0.4.0.PFGCNXM11-9)

And EVERYTHING WORKS AGAIN!! Sensors, camera etc..


Hope ingbrzy fixes it soon in new update, I love this rom. Sure will make a nice donation!

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I tried to install the latest ROM (dated: 02. June) over the previous MIUI11 ROM from Xiaomi.eu (think it was from March).
Did install it over the previous one via TWRP, wiped Cache/Dalvik - and it ends in not booting.
Bootloader comes up, tries to boot the ROM, but resets and sends me straight into TWRP again.

What did I do wrong?
No one any idea for me why it didn't work?
Lavender here ( redmi note 7)
Clean flash from the last android p release To the new one, clean flash (format data, wipes...)
Everything ok
I use this stable version on Mi 6 and Mi doc viewer not work at all. Anyone can help?

Problem solved by install mi doc viewer. Now I have another problem, I want to know why Get Apps (i installed it) disppear from Home screen. How to bring it back? It is not deleted, I still can see the app in "manage apps".

Is it possible to get around this restriction? I can't update any system apk from any source except Google play. But this is weird because even on global rom it is allowed.


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Is it possible to get around this restriction? I can't update any system apk from any source except Google play. But this is weird because even on global rom it is allowed.
Don't ask!
EU rom is locked in order to avoid you to update system apk that will mess up the rom.
update will come in due time with weekly release.
Is it possible to get around this restriction? I can't update any system apk from any source except Google play. But this is weird because even on global rom it is allowed.
You could try to change the .apk with root access and a root file manager, but it can break the system
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A weird mystery!

With miui eu 11 Android 9 stable everything works fine. But when I go to miui eu 11 Q stable or miui 12 Q, no sensors! No video camera!

Go back to miui Android 9, everything works!

Got the suggestion in forum to repair persist by fastbooting miui Android 9 rom. Did that.

Still no sensors/video camera in miui eu 11 Q!

What am I doing wrong? It's a bit of a mystery for me.

Derpfest rom Android 10 everything fine!


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Hi I have a weird problem. My Mi6 is on MIUI12 beta. And ny Mi8 is running MIUI11 stable. But if i use my Mi6 as hotspot, my Mi8 will said connected but no internet. Same thing happened if i switch the device role. Only happen after i flashed my Mi8 with MIUI.EU rom. Other device such as car radio and other phone can use hotspot from either my Mi6 ir Mi8 running on MIUI.EU rom. Any ideas how to fix? Thanks.

Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
Hi all,

I have a MI9SE with xiaomi.eu weekly MIUI 11 20.3.19, can I install the latest MIUI 11 stable (from May) without wipe? Anyone have tried?

No sensors and video camera in android 10 miui.eu stable..

Thought the rom was bad, but my persist needed to be reset..

Typed in a linux terminal program like termux: chcon -R u:eek:bjectr:sensorspersist_file:s0 /mnt/vendor/persist/sensors. (Type first:su for super user..) did that after I was back to miui.eu 11 stable pie. Worked only in pie.

Then I formatted data and did factory reset. Installed for testing a new lineage rom, nikgapps, and magisk.

Then format data and back to miui.eu 11 Q stable:

EVERYTHING WORKED! I do not know what I exactly did right, but this did the trick..

Excuse me developer I said problems it was rom related. No, YOUR


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I tired to update from 11.08. I got the new mi.com boot logo twice them it would just go into twrp. And wouldn't start the OS
Getting via OTA 11.0.2. Is It secure to update in this way?

Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 7 mediante Tapatalk
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