- 24 Jan 2011
- 58
- 16
Incredible onlyThis mod will transform your Stock MIUI v. 06 (1.1.28) incredible into a Ginger MIUI 1.2.11.
What it does:
stock DeskClock
stock keyboard
stock Mms
stock Phone
stock transitons
GingerSuave Launcher2
GingerSuave Deskclock
Gingerbread keyboard
dark theme Mms
dark theme Phone
Gingerbread transitions
new Gingerbread boot animation
Gingerbread Launcher
XDA app
battery circle widget
Nexus S live wallpaper
vertical battery display(must be set to percentage in menu/settings/system/battery settings/indicator
Miezo 9 Lock button for lock screen
Ginger icons in framework-res
markhuk for giving us an awsome site to access miui for the incredible!
warttack for deving/porting/modding
wowthatisrandom for porting/deving/modding
aiccucs for helping me with this mod pack/porting/deving/modding
nix for beginning miui incredible port
toisan and jdeloach for gingersuave theme
htc for the incredible
miui devs for an awsome os
if I missed someone it was out of ignorance and not intention. Notify me so I can correct the mistake.
enjoy! http://www.mediafire.com/?dk6y3zcg5zgxqah

What it does:
stock DeskClock
stock keyboard
stock Mms
stock Phone
stock transitons
GingerSuave Launcher2
GingerSuave Deskclock
Gingerbread keyboard
dark theme Mms
dark theme Phone
Gingerbread transitions
new Gingerbread boot animation
Gingerbread Launcher
XDA app
battery circle widget
Nexus S live wallpaper
vertical battery display(must be set to percentage in menu/settings/system/battery settings/indicator
Miezo 9 Lock button for lock screen
Ginger icons in framework-res
markhuk for giving us an awsome site to access miui for the incredible!
warttack for deving/porting/modding
wowthatisrandom for porting/deving/modding
aiccucs for helping me with this mod pack/porting/deving/modding
nix for beginning miui incredible port
toisan and jdeloach for gingersuave theme
htc for the incredible
miui devs for an awsome os
if I missed someone it was out of ignorance and not intention. Notify me so I can correct the mistake.
enjoy! http://www.mediafire.com/?dk6y3zcg5zgxqah