In Progress Music Player High CPU usage


20 Mar 2012
Why is it that on the las two versions of the ROM (2.7.6 and 13) the music player uses 1200Mghz just to play some MP3's??
My battery is draining terribly with this latest roms.
49 minutes of listening to music and my battery went from 98% to 82!!! that is ridiculous!!
On the Battery Usage (under settings)
I have the multimedia server running the cpu for 22 min 12 sec and keeping the phone active for 42 min 55 secs.
And the media player used the cpu for 11 minutes and kept the phone active for 42 min. 30 secs.
What the hell is going on!!!!!
I second that used to be fine but the last 2 versions music app has been a drain this needs to be fixed.
Almost the same on my SGS2.
It don't use a lot of CPU(according to Cpu SPY at least), but the phone get FRRRRRICKING HOT, and I lost ~70% when listening to Music for 2-2.5h.
FYI, MIUI 2.7.13 & Siyah Kernel 3.3.3d

Please don't make me go back to crap-amp! :'(
I like listening music and thi issues make me crazy.I tried to change music.apk and kernel but nothing help me.
ok. I dunno what kernel are you guys using.. but on 2.7.6 with stock, music player doesnt hog much memory also it works mostly on 200mhz (and smetimes jumps to 500).

FYI, if you r using Siyah kernel, then battery drain will happen as compared to stock kernel, for sure.
Hm i tried first with stok and then with Siyah and its the same.Phone just getting hot and drain baterry too fast.
If I play Music with screen on, it get realllly warm.SAME with Music and Winamp.
If I wake screen with power button and shut screen down again it cool down until I wake screen to check time and shutdown screen.

2h CPU Spy
1h 20min Music with screen off
40min Stand by in pocket

1200MHz 19%
800 1%
500 7%
200 42%
DeepSleep 28%

Siyah 3.3.3d
I always use stock kernels, no matter what rom... I guess is a MIUI issue with the Media Server and not the player itself. But I'm no dev.
i'm only using spotify and spotify dosent usually use that much battery. Generally i think the rom lately uses alot more battery than usually. Remember back in the days of gb the phone lasted way longer than now. But yes i know GB was very stable and hardly bugs left. Ics is very new.
I'm also leaning toward, lets say media server. Due to same battery drain on Winamp and Music.
Another thing i noticed, when the screen is on the cpu is working at 200 mhz and when it is off 1200 mhz.
C'mn guys no one care for this anoyng bug?Dont fix somthing that is not broken.Why they broke my favorit music? :(
It sucks to have sucha powerful phone and have things like this undermining its capabilities. Yesterday I used the Music Player for 2 hours, along with the Media Service they sucked 52% battery!!!!!!!!!
It has become unusable.
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I've got good news. I've changed the lockscreen to another one (the secondary default one with the slide down unlock method) and it hasn't got this annoying bug. When I switched back to the default lockscreen, the phone started to heat up. So if you do not like hot phones, just switch to another lockscreen :))