Need help for Miui FR Translation


Jun 6, 2013

I would like to try to continue the FR translation of Miui.

Of course i read this :

I did a Github fork of the FR repo (
i did a clone of this one :

But how can i list the strings who are present in the Acid's repo, but missing in the FR repo ?

If i do a "diff"on the both directory, of course everything is different because of the translation.

I'm a bit lost, and i'm looking for help.

Please help discom the french community is important !
I speak fluently english and Spanish but i'm living in France and a Fr traduction is cool
That's the weakness of this project,

there no real or up2date documentation, no answer when asking for help on the core of the project (the translation), but answers when you ask when will be the next update of the ROM :|

i'm a bit disappointed ―(T_T)→
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Why not just use Google for simple questions rather than wait a week for answers here? There are tons of software that can compare xml. Use OxygenXML.

Wysłane z MI4
Not trying to answer for discom here, but we're complete beginners as for ROM translations, and we're trying to take over @cpasmoi as he won't be able to maintain it anymore. We're gonna take a look at OxygenXML, thanks for your precious help!
i can help you too for the french translation
i was in contact with cpasmoi
but i dont know from wher to start ?
Why not just use Google for simple questions rather than wait a week for answers here? There are tons of software that can compare xml. Use OxygenXML.

Wysłane z MI4

I agree, the question about XML comparison was simple. The it was the leaf who are hiding the tree.
The fact is i was asking for help here and in the post of the weekly release, and no one respond (and as i said i solve the XML compare for days)

The translation book guide is outdated, and i saw that the translation process is not simple as
- do a diff on the strings
- copy and translate strings who are missing in the translation

Event the directory structure is different between FR translation and Acid's XML Compare repo.

I don't think i am more stupid than anyone , but i'm trying to continue the FR translation for weeks, many hours spend on it.

I just need a step by step process.

PS : i want to do this for FR people not only me, as you can read i can read english, i already switched my Miui language to EN because of the lack of translation.
i can help you too for the french translation
i was in contact with cpasmoi
but i dont know from wher to start ?

Thanks you Jpenzo, before translating (which is not the real pb), we really need to know the process.

I just send a message to Cpasmoi, and ask for his help.