No Acces To Internal Sd Card(mi2)


31 Aug 2016
Hi everybody,

I have a MI2 with the last Miui ROM 6.8.25 in french.
My telephone fall on the ground but it seems to work propetly. But, as i wanted to take a picture, it says "please inser a sd card before making photos". I checked the stokage and the insternal Sd card doesn't appear. No acces through the computer (i'm on linux mint). But i can reach it through TWRP Recovery. Another thing, is when i launch the security test, the system is 100 % optimised but stops on system security !
I try a full wype but no results, internal SD card is still missing.
I can make call, send sms, surf on internet, google store, etc...
So can somebody tell what i did wrong or the phone completly out of order ?
Thank you, i hope my english is not so bad !
what do u mean update ? Is my topic not clear enough ? Please tell me !
yes, heu are you just messing around with me ! ? :-D
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Admin, could you please delete this post, nobody is interrested !
thank you
I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier.
here's what I would do in your situation: connect your phone to a computer -phone in twrp- and copy pictures and other important files.
or in Linux mint, did you try mounting your phone? (right mouse click )

then completely wipe the phone in twrp,
then copy a freshly downloaded rom to the internal storage and then install that new rom.
or install a rom in twrp using adb-sideload.

if none of the above works, then you can try flashing a new rom via a computer, you'll have to Google for instructions on Linux (mint), but there are manuals for doing like that, even here in this forum.

please let us know if it worked, or if you have any questions.
kind regards

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk
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Hi rendolf,
thank you for the help.
I already try to wipe through TWRP but nothing's happen. On linux, the phone is recognize as usual but the storage is empty !

I will try the other ways and let you know.

rendolf, i install the last rom and my stockage went back !
thanx a lot for the help, didn't undestand what happens but the problem was solve.
i'm happy again :-D
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