NS 2.3.2 ICS bugs


11 Feb 2012
Since I have updated my NS to first Miui ICS I had some problems and there's no way to fix them with the newest versions.

However...at every update I always do a wipe cache and a wipe dalvik.

Bugs list:

1) It's impossible to synchronize my facebook account with my contact list
2) Calendar Crash
3) Camera hasn't the timed shot mode.
4) Now in my contact list there are also "sim contacts", but their surnames are truncated after some characters...
Thx in advanced...
The first bug (facebook sync) is a problem with the facebook app, that has to be fixed by the app developers.
I havent heard anything about calendar crashing, but if you are able to provide a "adb logcat", it will help find out about the problem.