Problems Updating From 4.12.5


24 Jul 2016
Phone: MI 2S
MUI version: 4.12.5
Android version: 4.1.1
Location: Middle of Europe

I've now spent about 5 hours trying to update my phone..

List of the things I tried:
  • I've tried using the Update App, it doesnt do anything when I check for updates and only downloads the 4.12.5 software when I ask it to retrieve the lates ROM.
  • I then tried Using the MI PC Suite, some older version and now version on Windows 10, but the software says the phone is up to date and wont even let me backup...
  • So I tried downloading the latest ROM and installing it using the Update App, but that returned an error, not being ablel to recognize my timezone and location at first, then saying something about a missing update file. The problem may be an incompatible version of android, but I dont know how to update Android to be able to use this ROM.
  • So I tried following the tutorial here called "How to update/upgrade MIUI?" But I couldnt get the ROM Manager installed (error -25 during install, I dont have it installed yet)
  • So I tried rooting the phone with Kingo Link (I dont think this did anything) and installing TWRP, but then when launching TWRP it asks for permissions, I tap on the permission buttons and nothing happens. After clicking FINISH, the app freezes. I tried giving TWRP more permissions, listing it as a "trusted app" in Security, but nothing helps.
  • I wanted to try updating to a newer, but not the newest version, but a lot of the old ROM links are broken..

I havent yet resorted to entering Recovery because I havent done it before and am slightly afraid of screwing up my phone.

I'm now at my wits end, does anyone have an idea what I should do to update?

Newer ROMs have a new partition layout so the only way to update is to use mi flash in order to flash a fastboot ROM using your PC
Oh, thank you! I flashed the ROM to the stable aries 7.5.1. But it erased all my calls/contacts/messages/ etc.
I have them all backed up, but how can I access the Google play store and other things?
Should I flash to a weekly ROM?
Thanks again for the tip. Most of the issues are resolved. I used the Updater to update to the newest weekly ROM and everything is great.

The only thing is I lost quite a few texts and I don't know how to get them out of the Backup I made using the Backup app, do you have an idea? Thank you!
Try to sync with your MI account because I think that that account backs your messages up.

You won't be able to recover them using Backup app if you had the backup in your phone because changing the partition layout erases everything you had in your phone