New Redmi Pro 3 - Lag After Drop


Feb 15, 2018
I dropped my Redmi Pro 3 about a week ago and it immediately started acting a bit strange. The noticeable damage is minimal (small cracks in the corner of the panzer glass). I assume it must be a hardware problem, but the effects seem (mostly) more software related. I'd appreciate a second opinion or explanation as to what happened to it and whether it's fixable. The changes are:

- the finger print reader works sporadically (usually it doesn't work, but sometimes it does)
- the phone lags quite frequently (1-4 times a minute for 1-5 seconds. Usually on the lower end, but the higher number are realistic.)
- Badges are not kept in sync (I've only noticed this for WhatsApp as it's the only app I use frequently that has badges. It will say I have unread messages long after I've read them and it will take a long time to say that I have unread messages after I receive them.)

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you! :)