[ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

video recorder is not fixed : i can't record video in fast/slow motion.

first time you need go to the Settings and set Slowmo and Timelapse settings ;)

Will definitely be giving this rom a shot!

:rolleyes: sorry for my english, but this positive or negative feedback?
Sorry if you get any sideeffects, I will try to find best settings our device.
I working on MIUI ROMs long time ago, but I'm new Mi2 user :D

be patient!
first time you need go to the Settings and set Slowmo and Timelapse settings ;)

:rolleyes: sorry for my english, but this positive or negative feedback?
Sorry if you get any sideeffects, I will try to find best settings our device.
I working on MIUI ROMs long time ago, but I'm new Mi2 user :D

be patient!

great! yesterday nigth i tried some differents cases and it works. I setup at first frame rate and after resolution and slow/fast motion :)
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Mediaserver ate our battery? source

I always follow Nexus 4 forums, because that device has similar HW than our device.
Many Nexus 4 user send feedback about that problem.

I don't see any problem on my device, but if we will get slightly better battery. Just good for us. Right?

So here is little init.d script, what kill mediaserver when device booted.
That's why mediaserver will be start only, when any service required that.

Many Nexus 4 user sent positive feedback about it.

If anybody would like to try it, here is it:

Howto install:
1. 94media.txt to 94media (remove extension)
1. copy 94media file to system/etc/init.d directory
2. set correct permission, which has other script (rwxr-xr-x)
3. restart your device

Howto uninstall:
1. delete 94media file from system/etc/init.d directory
2. restart your device


  • 94media.txt
    72 bytes · Views: 436
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I got better battery than before. In my opinion try Wipe Data and use Backup app, if you like more cleaner system.
Here is my stats, not so great, more battery friendly tweak under searching.

Anybody has got better battery than with stock one?

I will try JLB kernels, maybe we will get better results...

here is my stat (I restarted my device when I tested Recovery ROM version at 10am, so I will post my stat tomorrow from full charged.)

Hi Wajk (i think you are the author of WIUI rom for galaxy s2), an italian developer made a rom for mi2 based on 3.2.8 with kernel used for miuiandroid roms in December releases, and battery life is absolutely better than miuiandroid 3.2.8.
I'm going to try your rom flashing it on system2
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:rolleyes: sorry for my english, but this positive or negative feedback?
Sorry if you get any sideeffects, I will try to find best settings our device.
I working on MIUI ROMs long time ago, but I'm new Mi2 user :D

be patient!

Hi, no problem ;)

No feedback yet, I meant I'm going to try your rom and I hope it's awesome!

Swyped from my Mi 2
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We have best MIUI support over the World, so this ROM not big deal.
I implemented some improvements into ROM to myself and I share with you.
If you like it, use it.

- based on latest MIUIandroid ROM
- multilanguage support
- added init.d support
- added Control Panel
- improved camera settings
- increased video quality
- optimized framework and apps
- optimized animations
- optimized AutoBacklight settings
- optimized system settings
- reduced battery consumption
- removed unneeded services
- added more dictionary to keyboard
- updated Google Apps
- patched hosts
- tweaks

Coming soon:
- more CPU Governors and I/O Schedulers
- more tweaks
- ...

Install notes:

method 1:
use Recovery
- rename ROM to "update.zip" and copy to your phone
- power off your phone
- use power+volup for Recovery
- flash update.zip to system1

method 2:
use Updater app
- If you would like to install ROM to System1, use Updater app from System2
- If you would like to install ROM to System2, use Updater app from System1

Thnx to:
MiuiAndroid for ROM
Miui.com for ROM
Acid & Tweetypeety for sign
lenny_kano for Control Panel
Ryuinferno for init.d support
XDA for tweaks
and many other developers
Used a couple of days. Till now, it' a great job. Thanks!!!
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Hi Wajk (i think you are the author of WIUI rom for galaxy s2), an italian developer made a rom for mi2 based on 3.2.8 with kernel used for miuiandroid roms in December releases, and battery life is absolutely better than miuiandroid 3.2.8.
I'm going to try your rom flashing it on system2
I'm using both them. Ray 0.5 on system one and WIUI on system two and I don' find great differences with battery drain.
I'm using both them. Ray 0.5 on system one and WIUI on system two and I don' find great differences with battery drain.

Maybe WIUI with old kernel (december or november kernel) should be even better

I'm trying WIUI and it's fine (can't say anything about battery life after few hours)
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Just for Hardcore users!

Status: Under testing... (I tested basic features, before I will share with you.)

two versions coming:
- WiUi 3.2.8 with JLB7 kernel
- WiUi 3.2.8 based on JLB7 (new features combined with Stable build)

do you thing that stock JBL7 Kernel is better, or some December build Kernel ??? because I think every user has everyday a different activity which he does with his phone every day. Therefore, it is sometimes better and sometimes worst. Think only of writing to work everyday and having 3G on, sometimes good connection sometimes not.

but as you say JBL 7 Kernel ist better, or December, how will you test it. I could include all 3 Kernels, latest, stock jbl and december build Kernel in Aroma, but whould it make really a difference.

shouldn't be the latest Kernel be the best ??
Experimental version
This version based on of the most battery friendly build, the JLB7 ROM!

- based on JLB7 ROM
- kernel, modem, drivers (Wi-Fi, Camera...) from JLB7
- apps, framework from WIUI 3.2.8
- backported required services (themes drm, etc.)
- implemented all new features
- data partition compatible with MIUIandroid builds
- multilanguage support
- added init.d support
- patched hosts
- tweaks
I read many feedback about JLB7, and I think I will try to make one MIUI Hybrid version.
Just for test. If you have any feeback about it, pls post it. I use it couple days ago, I will share my review soon.
Thank You!​


Not so good

Gesendet von meinem MI 2 mit Tapatalk 2

If you consider this not so good, what do you consider good then? These are about the same numbers I get with the 2000 mAh and I think that's not bad at all. Have you been getting better results with a different rom?
Used a couple of days. Till now, it' a great job. Thanks!!!

Thank You for your feedback!

Maybe WIUI with old kernel (december or november kernel) should be even better
I'm trying WIUI and it's fine

Thanks, this is just the beginning.
I would like to find best setup for your device.

this is great!
gonna try this one now
feedback later.

Thnx, I will wait ;)

If you consider this not so good, what do you consider good then? These are about the same numbers I get with the 2000 mAh and I think that's not bad at all.

Thank You for your correct feedback. I'm not wizard, Screen and CPU is the biggest battery eaters.
With my first release, I just got better Deepsleep results as I said, and I was happy with it.
I know that was small result, but I'm happy if I got any positive result.

In my opinion, If I get same or better results than stock, I'm on right way...

I try to maximize our battery, that's why I made Hybrid version with JLB7.

I trie now the...

Don't worry, we aren't same guys, just try to find best settings for your device.
Thanks for your feedback, and
Be positive! :D
GREAT Rom this hybrid rom.
Deep Sleep over 90%,very very low battery drain.

thny, :) I'm verry happy if ROM working and not just for me...

here is my DeepSleep result from last night....
detailed result from BatteryWidgetPro

waouh, the rom i was waiting for!
JLB7 + multilanguage :)
I'll give it a try tonight, to see if I got the same batterylife that I have with jlb7.0 (5% drain for a whole night)
Hey, I'm relatively new to the whole ROM flashing scene, so here's my (probably noobish) question: what does it mean when a rom is not signed? And(how) do I have to sign it with this:" java -Xmx4048m -jar $up/tools/signapk.jar -w $up/tools/testkey.x509.pem $up/tools/testkey.pk8 $up/output/update_$cur_time.zip $up/$output/$name " ?( was posted by a user)

I do want to try your experimental ROM, that's why I'm asking
If you just want to try then you don't have to do anything. Just download the rom and flash in recovery or updater app.

Wysłane z MI 2
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Anyone got any reviews on the JLB7 update so far?

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
The ROM works great!
And battery is (until now) as good as JLB 7.0.

Thnx for your Quick Review ;)

@all: Experimental ROM signed, link updated in post #3
If you would like to install from Recovery, you can.
Also testing it since one day. Except the JBL background, init.d support and some design stuff it is similar to my older AIO 3.2.8, but Wajk is way better in Roms making than I am. Don't have so much time to get too much into it and Wajk is doing always a great job, had nearly every phone he had.


- Email App doesn't work for us Germans, but not for everyone. It has something to do with German strings, because English Version works, but this isn't Wajk's fault, it is in the Multilanguage Pack
- Speed feels the same as 3.2.8, fast
- Have also included the media hack into init.d so media isn't always scanned only when I need it
- Battery feels better, how much I can't say, because have every day other usage profile. Yesterday I played a Game on it and Battery went fast down, but this is normal. However connected to Wifi at work drains not as much as before. About night time in Flightmode I can't say anything because at night my phone is always charging.

Sum it up:::: yes it feels like battery is better in JBL 7.0, I would say 20% better.

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