I have tried it and roll back to V5 in 2 hours....V5 is same fast, but have better features and (it seems) battery life...IMHO
Choice is yours as always!

I'm happy if you are satisfied one of my ROM. We aren't same, of course.
But You don't spent too much time with this version if I understand right.
Everytime, when you flash new ROM, use it for min. 1 day if it isn't unusuable.
Because it is need time to rebuild cache, index and so on...
Always, when I flash new ROM, after one day my device will be much faster than before.
I use it v4 ROM on sys2 on
PowerSaving mode, and I like it.
Now, enough for me, because summer is here, mostly I use my device as phone,
(many times) and sometimes I play with it.
(RiptideGP2, RealRacing3)
If you can't live without new features, v5 ROM better choice for You!
Great work, as always, Wajk!
I'm curious though, since you've posted all these new mods/tweaks that are meant to super charge the phone, how come they're not implemented as part of your rom?
Sorry, I don't use correct english words always. so...
Of course, I implemented many parts from these TweakPacks, but not all,
because stability is primary for me. As I said before.
I always search best settings our device, what I always implement into new release.
I use my Mi2 with that ROM what I share with you,
I just flash my CPU MOD over the ROM and that's all.
I share that links to tweaks/mods,
If anybody would like to try them, or would like to try other settings.
Install steps mostly are simple.
Android is very customizable OS, you know.
So if anybody has got freetime, he/she can play with settings.
If anybody hasn't, he/she can use WiUi with my settings.
I hope you understand what I say, and I hope I understand your question/problem.
If anybody will find any interest setting or other cool tweak/addon, just share with us.