How can I disable the updater notifications? It's getting anoying, I'm on WiUi 3.8.23 and updater is asking to install the MiUi mult 3.8.30...
Sorry for that, I also don't like it, so I will disable that function in next release.
I tried modded Updater.apk in this release, but that is not real solution.
Hello everyone! In the latest firmware I see a RAM memory leakage up to 450 Mb free memory. In old firmware was up to 800 Mb available memory. Is this normal for 3.8.23?
We have 2GB RAM, Android basic settings are configured to smaler RAM. I configured WiUi to better memory usage, I talking about earlier. Don't worry about it, If you will start one huge app and it will need more RAM, your device will make it, trust me
So your device just use memory and don't leave empty. You know, apps will be open faster from RAM.
I play many times with 3D Games and other memory killer apps and they working very well. If you would like to see more free RAM, just use builtin memory cleaner.
So just use Memory killer once and check how much memory used by my ROM.
Other part of used memory used by your apps.
tried both 3.8.23 and 3.8.23EX. on firstone i always get a FC report for Xiaomi sync. On EX version, everything works ok until i enable wifi. when i do that, settings shut down and never open again. Back to 3.7.5EX.
Xiaomi fully restructured Settings apk in latest version, In my opinion they are working something big.
(Maybe new base, 4.2.2 or 4.3). That's why you will see some FC. I use a lot of WiFi but I didn't see any FC, but I didn't restore System settings from Backup.
Good to hear, 3.7.5 EX working right for You.
Seems 3.8.23 is a buggy version ....
EX is
Experimantal version, if you can't accept it use nonEX version or use that ROM which is working better for you. Not always the latest is the best release, but I working hard on it.
We aren't same. I always use latest WiUi on my device and I didn't see any FC, yet. Except on EX with Dolby settings which is fixed by me. (Thnx for report to You.)
Maybe not working right for you, but working right and incredible fast for me.
Just ordered my 32GB version from Used to run WIUI on my P990 and loved it so I'll be installing this one straight away!
Welcome here!