[ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

I'm a new owner of mi2s and i' total idiot on these things. Can somebody give me a step-by-step instructions to install wiui? I'm currently at 3.5.24 multilanguage rom.
I'm a new owner of mi2s and i' total idiot on these things. Can somebody give me a step-by-step instructions to install wiui? I'm currently at 3.5.24 multilanguage rom.


Ok, not a problem to be new in this new World, but there's a problem to not use the tools and guides there already exist. Look the opening post in this thread and you will see the instructions step-by-step and in the index of the forum is another guide to update and install ROM's, please use it.;)
can i flash this over the normal MIUI android without a wipe?

Just wondering because i spend some time setting up my phone :/

(though i have this weeks MIUI android so i'll have to wait for your update first :))
can i flash this over the normal MIUI android without a wipe?

Just wondering because i spend some time setting up my phone :/

(though i have this weeks MIUI android so i'll have to wait for your update first :))


No you can't do this. WIUI is based but isn't the same thing.
can u download one rom from http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=578341&uk=4046745582,
someone told me that they are using your inid.t without any change ,and they are telling they are the author of the rom.

Thnx for your share.
First of all, I working for myself and for community. I don't want any respect, but I can't stand copy paste developers, who just copy files from other ROM without request permission or with small credit line in the first post. :confused:

I didn't get any request for permission, but they use many tweak and mod from my ROM.
- build prop tweaks/structure same as mine
- init.d directory almost same as mine (they replace WiUi sign to MYCZ) :rolleyes:
- you will find "#for WiUi" text in system\etc\init.d\05_clean file
- they implement my 1242 Mhz MOD
.... etc.

If I understand structure, they forgot apply one important line for init.d, so I didn't try that ROM but in my opinion init.d not working right on that ROM.

raimondomartire 's Rayglobe ROM is the other ROM which is very interest...
- some parts copied from my updater-script file (example: "delete_recursive" parts)
- run-parts binary same as mine
- he use same .sh file from etc directory for init.d like me (we can use any .sh file from etc)
- I always rename install-recovery.sh to install-recovery.backup in recovery/etc/ directory (he use also this step)
- and one extra: he use this pic for multilanguage illustration, what coming from one of my old WiUi (SII/Defy/2X) topic from XDA... :rolleyes:

ps.: I never download ROMs from them, this is the first and last time....
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about WiUi 3.5.31
I'm ill. I'm in the bed (with sore throat, high temperature and many other "good" symptons :D ),
so 3.5.31 maybe will be delayed to Sunday/Monday.
Be patient, I would like to test before I will release it....

Ps.: I updated changelog post with little preview ;)
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Actually he can, but he may see some FCs.

So i assume those can be fixed by a fixed permissions / clear app data. I'll just try and do a factory reset / reflash if everything goes terribly wrong when .31 comes out :)

(been using android since the g1 came out so i'll probably manage :p)
about WiUi 3.5.31
I'm ill. I'm in the bed (with sore throat, high temperature and many other "good" symptons :D ),
so 3.5.31 maybe will be delayed to Sunday/Monday.
Be patient, I would like to test before I will release it....

Ps.: I updated changelog post with little preview ;)

I like the changelog :) very exited :D
about WiUi 3.5.31
I'm ill. I'm in the bed (with sore throat, high temperature and many other "good" symptons :D ),
so 3.5.31 maybe will be delayed to Sunday/Monday.
Be patient, I would like to test before I will release it....

Ps.: I updated changelog post with little preview ;)

Sounds a bit like me :(

btw, on my current rom (MIUI android) i just found out the msm_hsic_host wakelock was eating away on my battery. (together with a failed download that kept retrying) I know this was a bug with the Mi2. Do you know weither this has been fixed? (just wondering)

My phone is a Mi-2s 32gb.

Get well soon.
Hai Wajk we love your ROM bcs the way it is..till now there is no issue or FC :)
Please get well sooon..;) will wait patiently then for your next version..!

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http://www.miui.com/thread-1227119-1-1.html wajik,this post is for you.
we love you rom ,thanks for your hard work!

Thnx for your help. You know MIUI is free and WiUi also free.
Primary I make this ROM to myself, I just share with yourself my results as I said in first post in this topic.
Of course I allow WiUi ROM moding for everyone. I don't want to request before anybody do anything.

If anybody download my ROM and do more optimization. Good for the community and good for us.
BUT, if anybody just download my ROM and just rename it and release it, in my opinion this is not elegant.
I working hard on testing and optimization, little respect are welcome.

No problem, if anybody use my ROM as base (or use any parts of my ROM),
but little "thnx to Wajk for WiUi" line to me in first post are welcome.
In my opinion this is not big deal, just check my first post.

Happy flashing!
wajk,msm_hsic_host wakelock you shall adjust the frequency of the cpu under framework to 1Ghz。that will solve the problem of eating battery。
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can i flash this over the normal MIUI android without a wipe?

Just wondering because i spend some time setting up my phone :/

(though i have this weeks MIUI android so i'll have to wait for your update first :))

So i did just flash this one over this weeks multilang and it works no problem :)
raimondomartire 's Rayglobe ROM is the other ROM which is very interest...
- some parts copied from my updater-script file (example: "delete_recursive" parts)
- run-parts binary same as mine
- he use same .sh file from etc directory for init.d like me (we can use any .sh file from etc)
- I always rename install-recovery.sh to install-recovery.backup in recovery/etc/ directory (he use also this step)
- and one extra: he use this pic for multilanguage illustration, what coming from one of my old WiUi (SII/Defy/2X) topic from XDA... :rolleyes:

ps.: I never download ROMs from them, this is the first and last time....[/quote]

it's incredible read this from developer (are you dev, right?)?
First i create clear directory (additions) with all my mod for don't blind my mod and share with community.
My rom is more than taht you write but I reply point for point
My install script is same from first rom for mi2. I published rom first on miui.it and you in this time don't have mi2.
Delete_recursive is your property? Incredible! I delete some files to have 500 mega free in system directory. For my first version this is files that i delete. Installation script are very different

I use all original apk from miuiandroid.com with no changes in pic . If you refer from graphics i've threadon Xda where a user create for my graphics. I give to hime right credit. sera rayglobe for gs3.

install-recovery.sh is in all cm10 (cyano mod) mod. I use from my first version this script to adjust google TTS. Ridicolous observation

Init.d script. I use original exit_only engine (right credits in my thread) from Xda. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2158329. I use all engine and not only part as you. So why are you init.d engine?

Run-arts binary all in all mod that active init.d script in no modify kernel. Have you create run-part mod. All custom mod on xda have this mod? Ridiculous observation

build.prop strings and kernel strings. All you supposed mod are in every xda rom. Are explain here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817. here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1933837. Here http://free-myanmar.appspot.com/forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1588439. and in other 100 threads on xda. So you don't create nothings

No word on apk. When i published rom i use 24.5.3files and non 17.5.3 files as your rom. I usealways miuiandroi.com original files. I delete only debut info to have extra 10 mega free space. For this reason apk are different from original miuiandroid.com files

Kernel tweaks. As above are explained in thread on xda and if you download any rom from mike1986 from Xda, for example, HTC ONE rom you observe some script. So you invent script fro kernel? Ridicolous

I add sony experia keyboard from my old version. But i don't write you just because every dev can add this mod on cry. And never wrote past & copy jst because i respect work and passion of every body. I thought this was just a case!!!

Please more respect with other dev. Some user remember only your attack and not my replies. You could write me in PM and have some replies and "friends" as before. So in private you can avoid this replies. In othre places on internet i wrote that i respect you work

Hi, First i create clear directory (additions) with all my mod for don't blind my mod and share with community.
My rom is more than taht you write but I reply point for point

Long and useless post.
First of all I would like to say sorry. I felt bad about other guy, who just copy 90% of mods from my ROM and release it. You know how much time require for searching and testing. But that is also not big trouble, but I was too sensitve.
That's it.

I never said your ROM based on my ROM, read again that post.
I never talking about your build.prop and apks, pls read, not just write!
And true, your rom is more than that I write, I didn't want to analyze full ROM.

Our ROMs are very different!
I never said this are my mods, just check my first post. ;)

But little things:
I talking about this "delete_recursive" thing:
Here is little part from updater-scripts files:
Focus to order:
from miui_3_5_24_Rayglobe_II.zip

from WIUI_JB_Mi2_3_4_5.zip

I used this order long time ago (from MotoDefy), but yes, this is funny small things, but real ;)
about init.d: I talking about "init.post_boot.sh" I used this sh for init.d starting from the beginning, but any other sh can start init.d (that directory content more 8 other .sh), but you also use this file. This is also not problem, just also other small thing.

And last: I’m not developer, just modder.
In my opinion Miui Team, MiuiAndroid Team, M1cha and many other guys are real devs.

So pls stop it, Mi2 community very small, no need fighting, peace :cool:
If you have still problem with me, just send me PM...
Long and useless post.
First of all I would like to say sorry. I felt bad about other guy, who just copy 90% of mods from my ROM and release it. You know how much time require for searching and testing. But that is also not big trouble, but I was too sensitve.
That's it.

I never said your ROM based on my ROM, read again that post.
I never talking about your build.prop and apks, pls read, not just write!
And true, your rom is more than that I write, I didn't want to analyze full ROM.

Our ROMs are very different!
I never said this are my mods, just check my first post. ;)

But little things:
I talking about this "delete_recursive" thing:
Here is little part from updater-scripts files:
Focus to order:
from miui_3_5_24_Rayglobe_II.zip

from WIUI_JB_Mi2_3_4_5.zip

I used this order long time ago (from MotoDefy), but yes, this is funny small things, but real ;)
about init.d: I talking about "init.post_boot.sh" I used this sh for init.d starting from the beginning, but any other sh can start init.d (that directory content more 8 other .sh), but you also use this file. This is also not problem, just also other small thing.

And last: I’m not developer, just modder.
In my opinion Miui Team, MiuiAndroid Team, M1cha and many other guys are real devs.

So pls stop it, Mi2 community very small, no need fighting, peace :cool:
If you have still problem with me, just send me PM...
No problem with You. I have already writed in my previous post. Peace and look also fstrim and sdcard install directory for tts Voice. If you want use something no problem. Adbd insicure us also interesting. You work on mi2 is really appreciate.
No problem with You. I have already writed in my previous post. Peace and look also fstrim and sdcard install directory for tts Voice. If you want use something no problem.

No thnx, I don't need, and I don't use anything from your ROM.
I use official Gapps from goinside as I said in changelog.
And I never downloaded your ROM just that time, as I said my previous post.

I optimized MIUIandroid ROM to myself and I share with results to user who like to try it.
leqqy reported to me that ROM, I don't search and use other ROM on my Mi2 just MIUIandroid/WiUi.

Adbd insicure us also interesting.

Kernel is untouched in my ROM. Not unsecured.
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