[ROM] Marvin [English\Multilanguage] Xiaomi MI2/S [8.11]

Hi everyone!
I didn't find any information about mi2a in this thread, is this ROM is compatible with it? Thank you.
Hi everyone!
I didn't find any information about mi2a in this thread, is this ROM is compatible with it? Thank you.

There are no ROMs for Mi2 / Mi2S compatible with the Mi2A, but the forum name and the thread title should be enough to tell you that.
Took me a few days but I'm back to Marvin now too.

While minor, some of the MoKee glitches forced me to return.

Most important issue that made me return was the instability of hangouts on it.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 4
Hey, quick question, how make singnal icons to be on the left side of the screen in default miui? Its awesome :)

Wysłane z mojego MI 2S przy użyciu Tapatalk 4
After 20 minutes of hard work began to blunt the sensor slows down scrolling in the setting
There either is an annoying bug with sms app (it force closes when choosing contact, and hangs when trying to type in a contact) or something is wrong at my end. Waiting patiently for newer version :)
Haven't had any FC with this ROM, so the issue is probably at your end. Often reflashing and clearing caches solves that kind of issue.

I'm also awaiting for the next version, it's been 2 weeks already :p
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Haven't had any FC with this ROM, so the issue is probably at your end. Often reflashing and clearing caches solves that kind of issue.

Yup thanks, wiped cache and dalvik and problem is gone :) I had already wiped everything prior to flashing the rom though. I guess it's good practice to also wipe after the installation?

Thanks for the heads up.
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I know, Trying to run some Xposed based apps with MIUI...(like Greenify and XPrivacy)
I will update once i'm done.

Not trying to put any kind of pressure, was just expressing my feelings ;). Been using this one as everyday's ROM.

I use Greenify App and it seems to be working well, not sure if it's really needed to integrate it.
Yup thanks, wiped cache and dalvik and problem is gone :) I had already wiped everything prior to flashing the rom though. I guess it's good practice to also wipe after the installation?

Thanks for the heads up.

Yup, wipe cache always after flashing, I don't think a pre-wipe is needed ;). I'm glad it worked for you.
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Yup, wipe cache always after flashing, I don't think a pre-wipe is needed ;). I'm glad it worked for you.

Doesnt matter if you wipe the cache before or after flashing. The main thing is you DO it. ;)
well didn't last long. It happened again, here is the crash report if it can help with anything.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=0, result=-1, data=Intent { flg=0x1 (has extras) }} to activity {com.android.mms/com.android.mms.ui.NewMessageActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException
at android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults(ActivityThread.java:3162)
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleSendResult(ActivityThread.java:3205)
at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1100(ActivityThread.java:136)
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1249)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4875)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:804)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:571)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.android.mms.ui.NewMessageActivity.iZ(NewMessageActivity.java:998)
at com.android.mms.ui.NewMessageActivity.l(NewMessageActivity.java:1223)
at com.android.mms.ui.NewMessageActivity.onActivityResult(NewMessageActivity.java:1211)
at android.app.Activity.dispatchActivityResult(Activity.java:5272)
at android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults(ActivityThread.java:3158)
... 11 more
Medina, I have a problem with gps / compass. When gps is on, Google maps stops working... It is not able to track my movement on the map even if the gps icon status shows the correct signal. Tried many times with gps status fix app but no luck so far... Even ingress game does not work properly, it is a compass problem, North and South are continiously exchanging and the map starts flickering in a weird way. Any suggestion? Maybe something to edit in the buildprop? (i'm in italy) thank you!

Edit: tried also wiping dalvik, cache and flashing again... But same error!

Inviato dal mio MI 2 con Tapatalk 2
well didn't last long. It happened again, here is the crash report if it can help with anything.

That's strange.. Try to replace mms app with the one from miuiandroid ROM and let me know.

Medina, I have a problem with gps / compass. When gps is on, Google maps stops working... It is not able to track my movement on the map even if the gps icon status shows the correct signal. Tried many times with gps status fix app but no luck so far... Even ingress game does not work properly, it is a compass problem, North and South are continiously exchanging and the map starts flickering in a weird way. Any suggestion? Maybe something to edit in the buildprop? (i'm in italy) thank you!

Edit: tried also wiping dalvik, cache and flashing again... But same error!
Inviato dal mio MI 2 con Tapatalk 2

Can you try with different navigation app?

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
That's strange.. Try to replace mms app with the one from miuiandroid ROM and let me know.

Thanks Medina. I did, and I'm getting the same result but this time I paid more attention and I managed to narrow down the condition in which it throws this error. I don't think it had anything to do with wiping cache after all.


The first screenshot shows that when I click the new message button, the list of contacts which I have recently messaged are being displayed. In this case the app works without crashing when trying to select a new contact from the contacts' list or typing in a contact name in the search bar.

Sometimes though, when I click the new message button, I get what you see in the second screenshot. The contacts that I have recently messaged are not being loaded. In this state, I will always get the force close or hang when trying to select a recipient.
Can you please describe the steps you take to install this ROM?

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
The search function can br enabled in the settings menu - buttons & keys. İve installed google and it works perfect.

Sent from my MI 2S
Can you please describe the steps you take to install this ROM?

From miuiandroid's multilanguage rom, I installed miui recovery touch, because CWM had been somehow removed.
Booted into recovery, then I wiped cache, data, dalvik cache.
Flashed rom to both partitions I think.
Been using this rom for over a week now and I have to say it is very very good. My only complaint is that when removing the adblock my phone becomes slow. I think that adblock is not so important and hope you remove it in next release. Greenify works great and I would like to see it as system app. Medina what's your opininion about fstrim? I tried it and it doesn't seem to have any effect. :/
From miuiandroid's multilanguage rom, I installed miui recovery touch, because CWM had been somehow removed.
Booted into recovery, then I wiped cache, data, dalvik cache.
Flashed rom to both partitions I think.

Please do a full wipe

Been using this rom for over a week now and I have to say it is very very good. My only complaint is that when removing the adblock my phone becomes slow. I think that adblock is not so important and hope you remove it in next release. Greenify works great and I would like to see it as system app. Medina what's your opininion about fstrim? I tried it and it doesn't seem to have any effect. :/

Thank you!
Are you using the latest build? The adblocker is not included.

About the xposed, I don't think it will work.. It's keep failing..

However I made real progress with the camera, audio and long term performance...

I'm just waiting for a worthy update from xiaomi and I will post the new build.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
These are some good news.

Yes, I'm using the laIst build (26.8). How can I see if adblocker is enabled?
Please do a full wipe

Thank you!
Are you using the latest build? The adblocker is not included.

About the xposed, I don't think it will work.. It's keep failing..

However I made real progress with the camera, audio and long term performance...

I'm just waiting for a worthy update from xiaomi and I will post the new build.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2

what progress do you mean?better pic/video?