[ROM] Marvin [English\Multilanguage] Xiaomi MI2/S [8.11]

Had some bugs to fix...hopefully it will be ready today..

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2

Thats a great news.... we would love to test it. One more request, pls dont change the Xperia keyboard.... it is simply superb...
waiting for your next release soon Medina !
Keep up your good work....
Thats a great news.... we would love to test it. One more request, pls dont change the Xperia keyboard.... it is simply superb...
waiting for your next release soon Medina !
Keep up your good work....

The Xperia Honami keyboard is the new version of the one we have in the rom and it is way better
The Xperia Honami keyboard is the new version of the one we have in the rom and it is way better

ok, i will try it & let you know brother.... you can also do it yourself in this current version also right ?
Please please please provide a seperate zip file or an option in the ROM to put the network icons in their original position. It's the only thing that bothers me, the rest is perfect! Thank you for your work!

Verstuurd van mijn MI 2S met Tapatalk
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After flashing the prior version i set some drivers settings that you recommendede of, i suppose that after installing the newer version
i would have to go through those setting again?
After flashing the prior version i set some drivers settings that you recommendede of, i suppose that after installing the newer version
i would have to go through those setting again?

Yes you do.
Did you wipe everything?
If not, I recommend you do.

Everybody, Full wipe is more then recommended!

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
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Hi Medina, thanks for your update. as usual it looks simply great. Thanks for that,
I am facing a problem after updating to 3.8.2 version.
Viper4Android is not working.... everytime i launch the app for changing settings or something else, it keeps asking for installing driver even after i install it everytime & reboot....
I have reinstalled your latest ROM thrice with full wipe & tested V4Android FX with all modes & driver installations.... it shows an error that driver not loaded ! why is this error i am getting ?
Has anyone reported this problem to you or it is just with me ?
I need your help. If possible, pls help me...
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I back the last two posts. Viper broken, provider text back. Please remove the provider text and get viper going again, I got really accustomed to it.

Gesendet von meinem MI 2 mit Tapatalk 4
Hi Medina, thanks for your update. as usual it looks simply great. Thanks for that,
I am facing a problem after updating to 3.8.2 version.
Viper4Android is not working.... everytime i launch the app for changing settings or something else, it keeps asking for installing driver even after i install it everytime & reboot....

I also face the same problem :(

After flashing the fix you will have a new app - 'MiuiSpnConf'
with this app you can change the provider text to whatever you want...
(Change -> Save->Airplane Mode On->Airplane Mode Off. Done.)
(If you want to remove the provider text just press 'space')
Update: Viper works. After installing the drivers It may ask you to install them again, just press 'no'. Its still works.
The reason for this is the init.d script.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
Update: Viper works. After installing the drivers It may ask you to install them again, just press 'no'. Its still works.
The reason for this is the init.d script.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
I really liked that the signal and wifi icons was on the left side in the statusbar. Do i have to extract framework and all that stuff?

Ha gaaaay