[rom] [nougat] Lineageos 14.1 Alpha 2


15 Jul 2014

Hello everybody!

After trying many things to get Nougat working on my Redmi Pro (I flashed more than 50 non-booting ROMs) I managed to get CM14.1 booting, with some serious bugs, but booting. The aim of this thread for now is mainly for those who NEED to give Nougat a try and for those who know anything that could help with the development of the ROM.
To sum up, this is not a ROM for daily use and please read carefully the bugs section before flashing it :)

Also, before I begin I would like to thank adrianom (from XDA) a lot for the work he has done bringing CM14.1 for the Redmi Note 4 as I have based myself on that ROM to bring Nougat to the Redmi Pro and also the guys from 4pda, who updated the ROM to lineage for the RN4 MTK


  • It boots up
  • Network
  • Wifi
  • Bluetooth
  • Headphones
  • FM Radio
  • Charging while being off
Not working:
  • Calls
  • Torch
  • Speaker
  • Camera
  • Mobile data
  • IR
  • Fingerprint sensor

Alpha 2:
- Updated to Lineage OS

Download links:

Alpha 2: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=817550096634770095
Alpha 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Ts6DA86eE4SzFQVW9kQTd3bWc/view

If you try the ROM and find any bug please tell me and I will add it to the bugs section in order to work on it and also to give other a clearer information about the ROM.

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Great, keep up the good work!
I would offer help but I know nothing about ROMs except how to install them ;)
I hope somebody helps on developing this, i want a Cyanogen Rom for the Redmi Pro and sure there is a lot more people who wants it (srry for not being able to help, I would like to)

Gracias por el trabajo Reichmyu, sigue adelante que la comunidad te apoya!
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