
hi marvollo, what about a patch for pac4.4.4 for the new patition please?
Are you working for a new AOSP5.1?
Thanks for your great work!
I wouldn't release aosp, it's to hard for me. I think pac 4.4.4 is built on m1cha sources, do I don't know how to make patch
Pac-rom doesn't have camera connect problem and flashlight also works,is amazing.
I also try your cm12.1,still have camera can't connect problem.
Maybe focus on developing pac-rom?

Thanks your hard works!
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hi, i'm ready successfully flash pac_aries_LP-MR1.Unofficial_20160502-021144.zip, but i get bootlop, just see pacman logo, game over until 1hours, what wrong with this? btw im aries user 2/32gb with merged system partitions

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Seems have the same problem. The solution is baybe found in our filesystem. I came from f2fs filesystem, changed for /data and /cache partitions. All you need to do is perform a total data backup into a pc or mass storage, then perform a full wipe for thoose partition and, with TWRP 3, go to Mount > Repair / Change filesystem and then select the partition you need to change and format it into ext4 filesystem. If you're not sure that's it your problem, when you go at Repair/Change filesystem, recovery shows you the actual filesystem for the selected partition, and this filesystem needs to be ext4 for this ROM.
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Hi marvollo, thanks for still supporting mi2s! I tried your rom, and i'd to report some bugs:
1. Problems with "Pie controls": if enabled, the phone won't wake up after a long time of deep sleep: i'd to press a lot of times the power button for wake it up. Problem solved when these controls are disabled.
2. Battery drain! : I tried first ondemand governor (uses only the low-mid-max frequencies) and startmax_eps (wich uses low frequencies) but the battery didn't made one day of usage... Maybe is the sheduler (fiops) the drainer?
3. Double tap to wake problems: sometimes the phone didn't wake up early...

for the rest, this rom is beautiful and complete... camera works really fine and the system running smoothly.. a little bit slower with CM browser, but still working fine... can you think is the sheduler the problem of battery drain?
Nice work, thanks you so much for this rom!!! Greetings from italy!
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Hi marvollo, thanks for still supporting mi2s! I tried your rom, and i'd to report some bugs:
1. Problems with "Pie controls": if enabled, the phone won't wake up after a long time of deep sleep: i'd to press a lot of times the power button for wake it up. Problem solved when these controls are disabled.
2. Battery drain! : I tried first ondemand governor (uses only the low-mid-max frequencies) and startmax_eps (wich uses low frequencies) but the battery didn't made one day of usage... Maybe is the sheduler (fiops) the drainer?
3. Double tap to wake problems: sometimes the phone didn't wake up early...

for the rest, this rom is beautiful and complete... camera works really fine and the system running smoothly.. a little bit slower with CM browser, but still working fine... can you think is the sheduler the problem of battery drain?
Nice work, thanks you so much for this rom!!! Greetings from italy!
Double tap to wake is probably the root of your battery drain problem.
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Double tap to wake is probably the root of your battery drain problem.
Maybe, but I disabled it yesterday, and this is te actual situation: CPU governor: smartmax_eps / GPU governor: ondemand / sheduler: flops, changed to cfq at about 18.00 (6.00 PM) when i wrote last message. I don't have Facebook/Messenger and games in my phone, as you can see the phone today had a very very low usage, but now I can't use the phone for one day, as i can with other 12.1 based rom or the ivan's relase of 5.1.1... Today I locked the band to GSM for a lot of time, and i used HSDPA for 2-3 hours at least. See the pics for know what i say!


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@antoniosavio96 so it seems that your phone is awake half of the time.Either your apps cause a lot of wakelocks or you use them a lot.Make a clean install of rom and apps, try not to restore apps and data if you can and see if the problem persists.
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Seems have the same problem. The solution is baybe found in our filesystem. I came from f2fs filesystem, changed for /data and /cache partitions. All you need to do is perform a total data backup into a pc or mass storage, then perform a full wipe for thoose partition and, with TWRP 3, go to Mount > Repair / Change filesystem and then select the partition you need to change and format it into ext4 filesystem. If you're not sure that's it your problem, when you go at Repair/Change filesystem, recovery shows you the actual filesystem for the selected partition, and this filesystem needs to be ext4 for this ROM.
hello, i already have ext4 partitions on system
Hi marvollo.. Sometime the camera crashes (frequently with whatsapp) and the flash doesen't turn off (by the notification bar). Sometime the phone had random reboots and other times won't wake up... I only made a restore from play services at the first boot. Tonight i'm attemping a clean install, I hope that problems will solve. I really like the Linaro kernel governors! What's the difference between all I/O schedulers? I'd to flash this ROM with another recovery? I used the TWRP, and tried twice to clean dalvik and cache, and once fix context, but nothing seems changed... Thanks for the patience!
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Hi marvollo.. Sometime the camera crashes (frequently with whatsapp) and the flash doesen't turn off (by the notification bar). Sometime the phone had random reboots and other times won't wake up... I only made a restore from play services at the first boot. Tonight i'm attemping a clean install, I hope that problems will solve. I really like the Linaro kernel governors! What's the difference between all I/O schedulers? I'd to flash this ROM with another recovery? I used the TWRP, and tried twice to clean dalvik and cache, and once fix context, but nothing seems changed... Thanks for the patience!
Did you make wipe system before flashing?
hi marvollo, i'm not able to install your CM12.1, the error is
- symlink: some symlink failed
- E: Error in /tmp/update.zip

i'm trying to install with install zip from sideload, CWM recovery

not working even with twrp,

E: Error executing updater binary in .zip ' /sdcard/cm_aries-ota20160517.zip
You have corrupted .zip. I installed it before two hours, and everything is smooth, F2Fs and the latest cm_aries_ota20160517.... great
Every time i restart my phone clock adds one hour until wifi connection is established which synchronize it to the correct time.Does anyone else has this bug?Any solution?
The latest build of CM12.1 had Google Play Services FC continually when I enable the Location. I blushed cache of Google Play Services and stopped, reboot and here it is again

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