New SGS2 FC using night clock and charging the device


28 Apr 2012
Hello All,
I want to report a problem. When using my sgs2 with the app "digital clock" and charging. It looks like the phone is charging, but after a few hours the phone shuts down and the phone does not act as an alarm clock anymore. It doesn't do any thing at all.
Now I'm using the alarms of miui to wake me up in the morning. With this app I can't present a clock on the screen, only use the alarms. The desk clock option is missing.
At this moment I set the alarm and put the phone to sleep while charging. What I like to see is a clock while charging the phone in the night, and to be able to rely on it so it won't close down somewhere in the middle of the night when the battery is worn down.

Anybody else familiar with this problem?
I was using an app I downloaded from the market. I tried two apps and both seem o have the same problem. I'm using miui 5.11 now but the problem also occured on 5.4 and earlier version of miui ics on my sgs2.
I don'tseem to have the miui alarmclock. I only have the alarms.

I am not able to open the night clock