Speaker Phone not working ( MIUI 1.11.4, on Motorola Defy )


7 Nov 2011
Hi there, I`m having problems with the speaker phone ( not the loud speaker the small one you place near the ear ) the problem seams to be the following, I can`t hear anything while making a call, it only works with the loud speaker or with the headphones. The problem seams to be that it thinks i`m using heaphones. i think this because when i pres volum + / - it says "In-call volum headphones". The symbol of the headphones is off, so for any other aplication it works grate, it`s only on the calls.

My Phone is a motorola Defy, and the vesion of MIUI is the latest "MIUI 1.11.4"

any help please !

If there is no solution to my problem please somone tell wich version of MIUI works correctly o the Defy.

Also I`m having problems with GPS, but I`m not shure i haven`t try it that much.

C`ya From Argentina :)