
Grazie 1000, magari appena ho un attimo la proverò... Mi pare che entro gennaio dovrebbe uscire una nuova stable??!?

Thanks! I'll try
Non so niente della nuova stabile ma mi sono sentito un po' tradito dalla che ha un piccolo bug per quanto riguarda la giocabilità 3d (la caduta di un mito)... quindi (scusandomi su questo forum) visto che sono italiano ed è ancora più pulita dalle lingue ho installato la


I know nothing of stable new but I felt a bit 'betrayed by which has a small bug regarding the 3d gameplay (the fall of a myth) ... so (my apologies on this forum) since I'm Italian and it is even cleaner than languages I installed the
ciao, l'ultima sviluppatore 6.12.29 è imbattibile come velocità/fluidità in più mi da l'idea, casomai tu giocassi giochi 3d, di essere più prestante sulla GPU. La batteria dura circa 1h in meno della Stabile

The last 6:12:29 developer is unbeatable as speed / fluidity in more gives me the idea, just in case you'd play 3D games, being more handsome on the GPU. The battery lasts about 1 hour less than the Stable.

Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. 1."Developer" means the official developer rom right? Not the eu weekly?
2. Beta rom doesn't have any issues as in stable roms?
hello, from what I know, and I think is correct, the global developer, china,, beta and have the same weekly rom with additions of European languages and clean the app and Chinese utilities. The Stable Rom are the result, in fact Stable, utilities, and changes try the developer.
Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. 1."Developer" means the official developer rom right? Not the eu weekly?
2. Beta rom doesn't have any issues as in stable roms?
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Hello to everyone.
I am a little noob in all this and I want to ask you some help.
I own a xiaomi redmi note 4 which came with which i think it was a fake rom.
I installed via fastboot the rom official stable from
After that I request to unlock the bootlader. I made the unlock. After that I installed the twrp from cofface 3.0.2 after I had some problems : lost recovery part (no miui recovery) but finally I fixed.
After twrp install I flashed the update for fix the battery issues , I flashed the sleep update and the auto-brightness update.

After all this work I made with my phone, I want to ask:
- if I receive OTA update and I install -> I will lose my unlcok bootloader and the twrp?
- if I want to install official stable rom, how can i proceed to keep the twrp and the unlock bootloader?
- which rom should I use if I want to keep twrp ?

I use my phone only to talk and browsing internet. I play game very rarely : clash of clans. I keep all the time the wifi/data opened and bluetooth conected to watch/car. I am looking to have the best battery possible. What you can recommend me?

Now with I experince 13h with 1h SOT, 22 min talk and 78% battery left. Pretty wellI said but with the and the patch for fix better rom my phone has a little laggy than before.

Thank You and sorry for my poor english.
Hello to everyone.
I am a little noob in all this and I want to ask you some help.
I own a xiaomi redmi note 4 which came with which i think it was a fake rom.
I installed via fastboot the rom official stable from
After that I request to unlock the bootlader. I made the unlock. After that I installed the twrp from cofface 3.0.2 after I had some problems : lost recovery part (no miui recovery) but finally I fixed.
After twrp install I flashed the update for fix the battery issues , I flashed the sleep update and the auto-brightness update.

After all this work I made with my phone, I want to ask:
- if I receive OTA update and I install -> I will lose my unlcok bootloader and the twrp?
- if I want to install official stable rom, how can i proceed to keep the twrp and the unlock bootloader?
- which rom should I use if I want to keep twrp ?

I use my phone only to talk and browsing internet. I play game very rarely : clash of clans. I keep all the time the wifi/data opened and bluetooth conected to watch/car. I am looking to have the best battery possible. What you can recommend me?

Now with I experince 13h with 1h SOT, 22 min talk and 78% battery left. Pretty wellI said but with the and the patch for fix better rom my phone has a little laggy than before.

Thank You and sorry for my poor english.
1) quiet for your English, I use Google translate almost always. 2) Unlock and TWRP are two things separate and independent. 3) Unlock Official'll never get lost again on this device 4) TWRP takes to be agile in the backup and restore of the ROM and the data that interest you 5) Yes, if you make updates from the app uploader or OTA is possible that you must reinstall the TWRP so any rom you want to test proceed as follows: Download the desired rom> Go into recovery (vol up + power button)> Make a backup of microSD around> from INSTALL select the rOM downloaded and GO!> If it was better the previous one: recovery and restore! .... If you do everything from TWRP not lose! Hello
Hello to everyone.
I am a little noob in all this and I want to ask you some help.
I own a xiaomi redmi note 4 which came with which i think it was a fake rom.
I installed via fastboot the rom official stable from
After that I request to unlock the bootlader. I made the unlock. After that I installed the twrp from cofface 3.0.2 after I had some problems : lost recovery part (no miui recovery) but finally I fixed.
After twrp install I flashed the update for fix the battery issues , I flashed the sleep update and the auto-brightness update.

After all this work I made with my phone, I want to ask:
- if I receive OTA update and I install -> I will lose my unlcok bootloader and the twrp?
- if I want to install official stable rom, how can i proceed to keep the twrp and the unlock bootloader?
- which rom should I use if I want to keep twrp ?

I use my phone only to talk and browsing internet. I play game very rarely : clash of clans. I keep all the time the wifi/data opened and bluetooth conected to watch/car. I am looking to have the best battery possible. What you can recommend me?

Now with I experince 13h with 1h SOT, 22 min talk and 78% battery left. Pretty wellI said but with the and the patch for fix better rom my phone has a little laggy than before.

Thank You and sorry for my poor english.

Hope @maxbass made it clear for you.
If you're planning to use official rom, for OTA updates via TWRP - without going through manually flashing stuff, I suggest you the ZCX recovery.
Which gives you the ability to automatically install incremental OTA and avoid any bootloops caused by the update.
Here's the link :
Follow all the instructions given. Cheers.
Thank You.What rom download You recommend?

Trimis de pe al meu Redmi Note 4 folosind Tapatalk
Hope @maxbass made it clear for you.
If you're planning to use official rom, for OTA updates via TWRP - without going through manually flashing stuff, I suggest you the ZCX recovery.
Which gives you the ability to automatically install incremental OTA and avoid any bootloops caused by the update.
Here's the link :
Follow all the instructions given. Cheers.
you seem a little 'negative about updates;) ... bootloop happened to you? I changed several xiaomi hk and if you follow the step by step guide officers nothing happens!, etc. translate rom for countries not considered directly by en.miui according ... not in secret. So ... Do not panic ... and if you mess up and brick the phone there are guides to rectify within a few minutes ... I change and I try every day rom Global,, developer and stable mounting more by TWRP ... all perfect !!!! Xiaomi have one .... ENJOY !!!!
you seem a little 'negative about updates;) ... bootloop happened to you? I changed several xiaomi hk and if you follow the step by step guide officers nothing happens!, etc. translate rom for countries not considered directly by en.miui according ... not in secret. So ... Do not panic ... and if you mess up and brick the phone there are guides to rectify within a few minutes ... I change and I try every day rom Global,, developer and stable mounting more by TWRP ... all perfect !!!! Xiaomi have one .... ENJOY !!!!

Chill bro!! I was replying to @bishop105 and he seems not a flashaholic :)
ZCX is a redeveloped twrp recovery with
Incremental OTA Update Support & Android 6.0 Data Partition Decryption Support.
And when I use stable rom, updating rom is an automated process and it backs up the rom incase something goes wrong. So, if there's someone doesn't like to mess with the phone always, it's a perfect option. Got it :)

Anyway, China stable 8.1.8 is out, so I'm waiting for a eu rom..
I tried to flash ZCX twrp but i received the screen posted in post no 67 from the link who posted fernoct:

Anyone know what its wrong? I got stuk in fast boot... After 5 minute i exist and I stil have the cafface twrp ...
I tried to flash ZCX twrp but i received the screen posted in post no 67 from the link who posted fernoct:

Anyone know what its wrong? I got stuk in fast boot... After 5 minute i exist and I stil have the cafface twrp ...

Bootloader relocked in your device.
Try unlocking the bootloader again and try.
Mi unlock status is Unlocked.! I can enter in the Cafface twrp which it was installed before....
Ok... I think somthing I made wrong on my phone during the unlock procedure. By now I made like this:
1. I received the phone with fake rom
2. I flased global stable oficial rom with flash tool
3.After that I flashed China develop rom with flash tool
4. I unlocked my bootloader succesfull with Mi unlock 1.1
5. After that I flashed global stable oficial rom with flash tool (I think here i locked again my bootloader!!!)
6. In that moment when I was entering in recovery mode I had no recovery: only a picture with a phone and a usb cable which tell me to connect....nothing more
7. After 2 hours of searching how to install twrp : because I received errors I succeed with twrp from Cofface. I took the twrp cofface img and I renamed and i used other tutorial:
"Open a Command Window (alt+right click on this folder)
Write: fastboot flash recovery twrp.img, click enter and wait
Write: fastboot reboot, click enter and disconnect your device
When device turn ON, please turn OFF again
Turn ON your device clicking vol + and power and see TWRP Recovery
On TWRP probably you will can't see sdcard, if this happened:
Go to MiFlashUnlock folder and open again a Command Window, and connect again your device on fastboot mode
Write: fastboot format userdata and click enter (this will erase all your data!! but it's needed to use TWRP!!, have a full backup for all your files!)
Finish, reboot your device on recovery and you'll can now install anything from your media storage :p"
With the original tutorial after the twrp instalation the phone reboot normally in twrp but after go out and boot another time in recovery mode to use twrp: the twrp deasapered. Finnaly I dont know how I made wrong or good ............
8. After that I flashed from twrp the patch for fixing the battery draining
9. Now my phone has stable oficial rom, in develper menu (in phone settings) the bootloader is said UNLOKED
10. Now I want to have ZCX twrp to can flash via OTA .....

As I described , what do you think? I have the bootloader locked again?
I sow that i have SuperSU Free installed....but I dont know how to use? I have already my phone rooted? For that reason I can use twrp with the bootloader locked...or is not locked? I dont understand nothing....
I guess the bootloader is still locked. Try using mi unlock tool. If it's unlocked and still you cannot install ZCX, better flash fastboot global rom and start from the scratch. Unlocking and installing ZCX. Cheers
After point 5 I succeed install my twrp in this way: I put the twrp image in the folder with Miflash Unlock where I succed to unlock 1st time the booloader. After rename the image in twrp.img I used from cmd this commands:
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
fastboot boot twrp.img

In this way I install the twrp and I think that my bootloader is locked!

In this way I installed the ZCX twrp and after that I tried to flash by xiaomi with no succeed. After devil and cache delete when start to flash the rom , the phone restarts and boot to existing rom.
I read it this post :
And finally I succed to install Now I have xiaomi Eu rom installed and twrp zcx.

BUT!!!! It seems my bootloader is locked or something.... Because firstly I installed the china dev from miui to try unlock again the bootlader. I cant! Because stuck on 50% I tried also to see if the bootloader si locked but when I put the command in fastboot I receive error.....

Now with battery drain very fast. I also flashed the zips which fixed that issue....I think I will re-flash the stable stable....
Hello again! And sorry for distrubing with my problem.
I connect my phone in fastmode and I tried to see the status of my bootlader:
Opened cmd page:
fastboot devices ---- show me the nomber of the device
fast boot la comanda oem device-info-----------Failed (remote: unknown command)

After other research here on forum i tried other command:
Fastboot Getvar unlocked ---------unlocked: YES

So its seems my bootloader is unlocked....
I am not satisfy with the rom . What should I try?