Ok... I think somthing I made wrong on my phone during the unlock procedure. By now I made like this:
1. I received the phone with fake rom
2. I flased global stable oficial rom with flash tool
3.After that I flashed China develop rom with flash tool
4. I unlocked my bootloader succesfull with Mi unlock 1.1
5. After that I flashed global stable oficial rom with flash tool (I think here i locked again my bootloader!!!)
6. In that moment when I was entering in recovery mode I had no recovery: only a picture with a phone and a usb cable which tell me to connect....nothing more
7. After 2 hours of searching how to install twrp : because I received errors I succeed with twrp from Cofface. I took the twrp cofface img and I renamed and i used other tutorial:
"Open a Command Window (alt+right click on this folder)
Write: fastboot flash recovery twrp.img, click enter and wait
Write: fastboot reboot, click enter and disconnect your device
When device turn ON, please turn OFF again
Turn ON your device clicking vol + and power and see TWRP Recovery
On TWRP probably you will can't see sdcard, if this happened:
Go to MiFlashUnlock folder and open again a Command Window, and connect again your device on fastboot mode
Write: fastboot format userdata and click enter (this will erase all your data!! but it's needed to use TWRP!!, have a full backup for all your files!)
Finish, reboot your device on recovery and you'll can now install anything from your media storage

With the original tutorial after the twrp instalation the phone reboot normally in twrp but after go out and boot another time in recovery mode to use twrp: the twrp deasapered. Finnaly I dont know how I made wrong or good ............
8. After that I flashed from twrp the patch for fixing the battery draining
9. Now my phone has stable oficial rom, in develper menu (in phone settings) the bootloader is said UNLOKED
10. Now I want to have ZCX twrp to can flash via OTA .....
As I described , what do you think? I have the bootloader locked again?
I sow that i have SuperSU Free installed....but I dont know how to use? I have already my phone rooted? For that reason I can use twrp with the bootloader locked...or is not locked? I dont understand nothing....