Successful install stable Global ROM on my Chinese Version Mi8


5 Aug 2018
Hi everyone!
I wanted divide with you my experience about update my Xiaomi Mi8 which I bought 6 weeks ago as Global Version but when it arrived then turned out that it is Chinese Version :(

Anyway here are steps which I done.
My Mi8 arrived with chinese edition of MIUI version 9.5.x.x (don't remember exactly number) and in the meantime it has been automatically updated to version released in August 2018 (still Chinese version).

1. I unlocked my Mi8 via "Mi Unlock" tool available here: (YES! I had to wait 2 weeks until it has been unlocked :/ )
2. I downloaded few different versions of MIUI but turned out that there was missing file "flash all.bat" in each ROM and I was unable to start setup them. Finally I found proper version (older than I had currently installed) MIUI 9.5.13 Global ROM available here:
3. I downloaded "MIUI ROM Flashing Tool" and there I met next problem because flashing my Mi8 was starting but never ending.... Turned out that I used old flashing tool which was released in 2017 and it was the reason why flashing was not start properly. I found and used latest version of this tool relased in 2018 "Xiaomi Mi Flash Tool 2018.5.28.0" available here:

All this steps caused that after few minutes of flashing I got finally global version stable ROM on my Mi8.

After this my Mi 8 has been automatically updated to the current MIUI Global Stable Version ROM

The last problem to resolve was missing "Face unlock" function which like turned out later is related to the country which is setup on a phone. I had setup "United Kingdom" and face recognition was not available in settings at all. I changed the country to France and now "Face unlock" is available and working order.

Hope this description will help somebody ;)
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Can you relock the boot loader after flashing the global ROM? Or does Googe Pay works without relocking BL?
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