[tutorial] How To Flash Fastboot Rom With Sp Flash Tool On Redmi Note 3

Anyway, flashing from MIUI 7.1 Stable (LHNCNCJ) to

After plugging, managed to get red then purple line, and this error came out. What is happening here?

Anyway, flashing from MIUI 7.1 Stable (LHNCNCJ) to

After plugging, managed to get red then purple line, and this error came out. What is happening here?

View attachment 10951
In the pic, can see that scatter file is for 5.12.10 (Developer China ROM).
And you saying

Also, to is intact downgrade as number seems.

Please clarify. Is is the latest update? Where can get it

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
In the pic, can see that scatter file is for 5.12.10 (Developer China ROM).
And you saying

Also, to is intact downgrade as number seems.

Please clarify. Is is the latest update? Where can get it

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Sorry, uploaded the wrong pic, was trying both Dev and stable rom with various SP flash tools, so got mixed up...

Solved my problems and went on to update from to V7.0.19.0.LHNCNCJ using the updater...

Note: As you can see it is MIUI 7.1 / is pre-loaded by the vendors in China... which comes with Google Play Store...


  • Screenshot_2015-12-23-20-42-43.png
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My phone was preloaded and I believe all other people also got same. is believed to be the newer then or even

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Moderator in MIUI English forum copy pasted my entire tut without giving any credit


I am gonna write a tutorial about flashing the ROM too, what I have done before this was flashing my Redmi Note 3 3GB/32GB which later had a problem with the fingerprint sensor which I threw back to the vendor. What I learned here was just that the flashing SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Windows_v5.1520.00.000 was the right for me, eventhough I had downloaded another v5.1520 from another source which was not working giving me the error I posted earlier. Dont bother ask me, cos I am puzzled too. I just there something different in that pacticular version.

Anyway, I have got my own materials and images for my own tutorial, and I will quote and giving you credit accordingly by quoting specifically on the SP Flash Tool mentioned earlier.... Thanking you in advance... @UnknownAX
My phone was preloaded and I believe all other people also got same. is believed to be the newer then or even

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
Thats what I got after my replacement from my first unit, it is a not an Official Rom from MIUI, lets just say they just make life difficult to update it... cos all the available roms are older as per version number...
Hm.... And u r having 2gb version ? Maybe for that have 7.1
I didn't see anywhere online.. 7.1

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
Yes they replaced and refunded accordingly, cos I asked to downgrade the phone, so if there should be any mishap it would be a minimal one...
Changelog? If flashed over 5.12.10 via updater app, will my Data will be erased ? Or saved ?

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Changelog not released yet

If flashed over via updater app : Flashing Recovery ROM will not wipe your user data or the files in internal storage
Changelog not released yet

If flashed over via updater app : Flashing Recovery ROM will not wipe your user data or the files in internal storage
So mean, I don't need to use so flash tools... For upgrading from 5.12.10 to 5.12.24, just use the updater app inside setting / update. And select the downloaded file.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I don't want to brick my phone by not following the tested method to upgrade.

Pls reply

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Wow... I got update notification for 5.12.24 with abt 130mb file download. And it successfully done automatically. Good, auto update is working for this ROM

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