Two package updates instead of 1b


Site Founder
Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
Hi everyone,

We've been working on improving a few things in the stats apk and the default.mtz.

1st up, MIUIStats.apk, the original application UI was terribly buggy for MIUI in that it was not clear to see the text to understand what the application was actually doing, we appreciate that point and wanted to correct it as quickly as we could.

Team member GU5TAF has worked on fixing up the layout and including the MIUI UI Framework drawables and style to the application so kudos to him for that. We've also made changes to the build.prop for this Friday to ensure the next MIUI 1.7.29 will be correctly recorded and we get a real perspective on usage should people be willing to opt-in as we believe opt-in is less obtrusive than opt-out methods.

The second change is just a quick one, we've added the full-size Compass applications icon and the MIUI Stats application icons to the default.mtz. Also dont forget to check the Themes page for an updated Dark theme.

We didn't want to push a 1b for this as it was only for these two things, downloads here:

Download: <a href="" target="_blank">MIUIStats.apk</a>
Download: <a href="" target="_blank">default.mtz</a>