Unkown icon on top of lockscreen?


10 Apr 2011
Hey all, new to the forums.
My question is what is the icon at the top of the lockscreen that is a white circle with 3 dots in the middle? It sometimes has the number 1 on it or the number 2.
I'm using MIUI v0.6GB (1.4.8). I'm coming from 1.4.1 and it wasn't on that version.
Anyone know what it is?


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Its a notification for anything pending, received, downloaded, it will go away when you have checked all your emails texts missed phone calls or cleared downloads

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Thanks for the info. I think it might be a glitch because I've cleared out everything; messages, emails, call history, downloads, updates, etc. and I still get the icon. It was there when I first flashed the ROM from a completely wiped phone, I hadn't even signed in to my google account when I first noticed it.

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It tells you how many things are in the notification area. So if you plug in your usb cable to the computer, you will have a 2. If you have a security app like Lookout in your notification, that will give you the icon.
Ahhh, that's it. I have a phoneweaver icon and a weather icon in the notification tray; I have a 2 on the lockscreen icon. I closed the weather icon and the number went to 1.

Thanks! Not knowing was driving me crazy.

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