What's the '.xldownload' folder and 'dp_so.log'?


Nov 26, 2020
Is there anyone noticing there is a '.xldownload' folder containing an empty 'dp_so.log' file located in /sdcard?
After being deleted, this folder is recreated upon a certain period.

Does it stand for 'Xunlei Download', and which APP (ordinary APP or system APP) is using this SDK?
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I think it's probably the Xunlei plugin for the Download Manager app.

Is there a way to forbid this folder to be created, or can this plugin be removed from the ROM?
This folder is hidden (all files/folders names starting with a dot are hidden on Unix-like systems) so I don't really understand why it bother you... ^^

You can try to delete it then create an empty file with the same name = .xlDownload

... :D
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