why choose miui ?


2 Nov 2011

im on cm7 nightly on a gs2 at the moment, but im getting a little fed up with the bugs. last night i just got it exactly how i want it then woke up this morning and there is no carrier or wifi signal.

how stable is miui and what has made you choose it over other roms ? and does it have fm radio working ?


Its the best, thats why.

Once your on MIUI, you can never leave. The other ROMs can't compare to MIUI. Try it for a week, and I guarantee you'll love it.

I have the DHD and it has radio, someone will have to verify for your phone.
I'd say it's almost perfectly stable on my phone with a few exceptions (sometimes freezes at lock screen when music is playing). I think MIUI is the best looking ROM available. Not sure if FM radio works for GS2.
This is generally why you don't use nighties...

As a flash addict, there is a great appeal in flashing nightlies :)

Trick with flashing nightlies is make nandroid backups often. And Label the ones that are stable, so when you flash a new nightly and it is not stable, you drop back to a previous build until the next one comes out to try. I mean, seriously, every one needs a hobby, right? ;)

But as for why Miui? Miui is kinda like the best of all worlds, it is a mix of the best features of many different os's. It has s the great customizations of cyanogen mod. It is good looking, and there are a lot of custom skins ready for use. It is generally very stable and updated weekly.

But for me, what I like the most is that it is organized well. I think it is the organization that I like the best. If I said it "felt right" or that it is organized in a way that made sense intuitively to how I think - that would probably be it. Try it and play around with it a bit. Go into the theme manager and download some themes and skin it how you like. Have fun.
As a flash addict, there is a great appeal in flashing nightlies :)

Trick with flashing nightlies is make nandroid backups often. And Label the ones that are stable, so when you flash a new nightly and it is not stable, you drop back to a previous build until the next one comes out to try. I mean, seriously, every one needs a hobby, right? ;)

But as for why Miui? Miui is kinda like the best of all worlds, it is a mix of the best features of many different os's. It has s the great customizations of cyanogen mod. It is good looking, and there are a lot of custom skins ready for use. It is generally very stable and updated weekly.

But for me, what I like the most is that it is organized well. I think it is the organization that I like the best. If I said it "felt right" or that it is organized in a way that made sense intuitively to how I think - that would probably be it. Try it and play around with it a bit. Go into the theme manager and download some themes and skin it how you like. Have fun.

thx for the reply. i think im going to try it today, mainly because i want a working radio. i cant find an installation guide so im just going to do it the way i think it should be =)
thx for the reply. i think im going to try it today, mainly because i want a working radio. i cant find an installation guide so im just going to do it the way i think it should be =)

Installation guide for Miui?

There are probably posts on here about that :)

But a quick reader's quide summary......
** This assumes you have root and recovery set up**

- Download the rom to your computer for your phone from the Roms link above
- Connect phone to PC and copy rom to your sd card.
- Boot phone into recovery.
- Wipe - do factory wipe, make sure you wipe cache, dalvik, and /system and /boot the first time you load the rom so there is nothing left on the phone. (Format /system and /boot in mounts and storage using cwm recovery)
- Install the rom. Usually the choice is install zip from sd card. Pick the rom file you downloaded and install it
- Reboot system when it is done flashing.

There you go. Have fun!
I don't think FM Radio will be working. The MIUI guys use cm7 as a base.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I know they did get FM radio working on SGS1 so maybe on SGS2 as well...not sure tho....