Xiaomi 12x V13.0.2.0 sound problem or general lag problem

Yannick M.

3 Nov 2016
Good day,

I just swap the Global room to the V and I have a serious problem with the sound. when I play sound from youtube, music player (with local mp3 files) or any other app that play sound via phone speaker or Bluetooth head phone.
Looking a bit more in detail, look like lot apps have lags. And this lag happen with music player that make stopping playing for about every sec for about 1 sec for example.
Any trick to solve or any think that i can do for Dev to solve problem, please let me know.
I will look on my side.
i have same problem,i can temporary fix this problem,but can't use "ok google"

adb shell pm disable-user com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
Could you tell me how to apply this ? it is via Fast booth ?
Any way to enable again ? may be "... enable-user...."