Xiaomi Mi4 Lte-cu


15 May 2016
Hi i have a Mi4 LTE-CU i need the italian language, the version V6.6.5.0.KXDCNCF_v6-4.4 work, but if i try to install all higger version via TWRP when i install the rom error 7 appear.
Please Help.
In particular what says twrp´log?
Error 7 mi4.jpg
So...to fix it, just go to Mount menu in TWRP and uncheck the option to mount system as read-only and then reflash the ROM
Your have a Mi4 LTE-CU version?
I try to unchek but not working :/
Only v. work perfectly
I also have Mi4 LTE CU version... As i understand, these are xiaomi officially unsupported kind of phones, because they have "board_version=4.4" , and the version 4.4 is forbidden to flash by fastboot...

But it is possible to install xiaomi.eu rom on these phones. I'm just not sure how stable they will be..
Miflash uses the same fastboot scripts where it is forbidden to flash into device with board_version=4.4

Maybe someone tried to force flash through fastboot such device ignoring board_version check?

Use MiFlash via PC

Redmi Note 2 P - Tapatalk
I think all newer xiaomi.eu versions for the mi4 based on marshmallow. If you come from kitkat you have to merge the two system partitions first.
For my LTE-CU I used SMiUI without problems with which based on the xiaomi.eu roms.

Gesendet von meinem ONE E1003 mit Tapatalk
I think all newer xiaomi.eu versions for the mi4 based on marshmallow. If you come from kitkat you have to merge the two system partitions first.
For my LTE-CU I used SMiUI without problems with which based on the xiaomi.eu roms.

Gesendet von meinem ONE E1003 mit Tapatalk
Can you explain in details how to merge the partitions please ?
I got the same problem before. I was on 4.4 and I was trying to install 6.0 using TWRP with the same error of system folder...

I finally did with the default recovery app that Xiaomi 4.4 bring, without change it for TWRP and it works!! After upgrade to 6.X your 4.4 recovery will be replaced with TWRP :)

I hope this help you!