
  1. p4trk

    Invalid WhatsApp on MIUIv10.3 STABLE and Mi 8 Lite

    Hello, It started today, I noticed that WhatsApp on MIUIv10.3 STABLE and Mi 8 Lite stops working after each time its minimized or something along those lines. I got a couple messages saying "WhatsApp stopped working". Any ideas?
  2. K

    [8.3.2] Send/receive Whatsapp Media Issue

    Hi guys, I recently updated to the first global beta of Oreo for mi5pro. Since I have two SIMs, I need two WhatsApp accounts. But after the update, I can't send or receive from the cloned WhatsApp any media. I don't know how to sort it out. Please help me thx
  3. Z

    New Camera Shutter Sound Even Though In Silent Mode

    I had this problem from the start when I was first using my xiaomi mi4, then switch to mi4c and now using mi max 2. All of them have this same issues where the camera shutter still makes a click sound when taking pictures in Whatsapp & Instagram even though my phone is in silent mode. I have...
  4. D

    Whatsapp Won't Open Anymore

    Hey guys i have a Xiaomi Mi5 with Xiaomi.eu Stable (rooted) Whatsapp used to work fine but now it won't open anymore! keeps crashing... i don't know why... i tried to unistall it and install it again and it worked but after some minutes same problem... What should i do? P.S. i'm using an...
  5. X

    New Whatsapp Custom Sounds Do Not Ring

    I have MI4C and 7.3.16 weekly, and whatsapp custom sounds do not ring, only system sounds. Any solution?
  6. X

    Whatsapp Custom Sounds Do Not Ring

    I have 7.3.16 weekly, and whatsapp custom sounds do not ring, only system sounds. Any solution?
  7. M

    New Whatsapp Opening Chat Slow

    When i open the chat to talk with my girlfriend it takes some time to open that chat (not whatsapp itself). When i open every other chat it works fine but with this particular chat it takes time. It doesn't matter which miui rom i use (global,chinese,xiaomi.eu), it never happened before except...
  8. F

    Not Vibrating When On Call

    Hi, guys. I'm having problems with my Mi5s. When I'm talking, I don't get vibrating notification if someone text me on Whatsapp or normal SMS. This is important to me because I'm often on phone talking, and if phone don't vibrate, I'm totally oblivious about that message. Does anyone have any...
  9. C

    New Miui 8 Beta - Bug On Whatsapp To Google Drive Backup

    Utilizing the Dual Apps option for Whatsapp. The second Whatsapp cannot backup to any of the Google Accounts. 1. Go to Settings. 2. Tap on "Dual Apps". 3. Turn on Whatsapp's Dual Apps. 4. Go back to Home Screen and turn on the 2nd Whatsapp. 5. Go through the process of activating Whatsapp...
  10. A

    New Miui 8 Push Notification

    Hi, since my upgrade to MIUI 8, I'm having some issues on push notification in whatsapp and gmail application while the screen is of. Is there anyone esle issuing the same problem? any fix? Thanks
  11. danielexd1

    Can't Start Camera

    after updating to Lollipop Miui (now I have MIUI 7.4 by xiaomi.eu 6.5.5 beta, but error was present also in last week ROM) Whatsapp says"can't start camera" and other third party apps cannot open front camera, they just get stuck System Camera app works perfectly
  12. B

    Several Questions

    Hey everybody, I used the search function here, but couldn't find any answers, so I wanted to ask you whether you know the following things: (Using Redmi Note 2 with 6.3.31) 1. When the battery is low, the LED always flashes red. Is there an option to change this? 2. As a previous "normal"...
  13. Okami

    New Miui V7 6.2.4 - Android 6.0.1 - Mi4

    Hi to everyone, this is my first serious post so I will try to speak my best english. This post is orientated to the comunity admins and is a list with a several bugs in 6.2.4/6.2.25 os MIUI Version. I have a Xiaomi Mi4 but this problems are with other devices. NOTE: I updated the device to...