guys on my Mi9 battery drain is huge. anyone had the same problem?
It seems to be a never-ending story. Yes. I observe exactly the same. In my case caused by google service. I cannot even make through the day.
Reverting back to Android 9.
On top of that I observed micro lags now and then when navigating through launcher + NFC reader seems to be lazy in reading tags. It takes a while before it records tag nearby. I observed that during using google pay and NFC.
Plus ugly grey bar sometimes pops up in notification bar. Not sure what this phenomenon is related to.
It is a shame that the battery drain still exists in each version of Android 10 EU ROM. I really lost hope that it will be ever resolved. I guess I stick to Android 9... forever.
The strange thing is that the battery drain only occurs in my case when the phone is in use. When in standby (screen off) it behaves very well with minimal almost close to zero battery drain.

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