MIUI 13 21.12.29/30 - First MIUI 13

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only issue I have on mi 10 ultra is there will be
blank portion in the screen happens more on the messenger & chrome apps also frequently I get blank notifications from apps.
Please see the screenshot and run the command i put in red box in fastboot mode, the output should be alioth. What is your output?

View attachment 40282
This is what i get with you instructions:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.376]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

 Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
 Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc

05.01.2022  18:19    <DIR>          .
17.10.2021  14:03    <DIR>          ..
03.01.2022  18:45    <DIR>          .android
23.08.2021  11:14    <DIR>          3D Objects
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Contacts
05.01.2022  22:43    <DIR>          Desktop
23.11.2021  17:32    <DIR>          Documents
21.12.2021  19:08    <DIR>          Downloads
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Favorites
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Links
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Music
20.10.2021  19:04    <DIR>          OneDrive
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Pictures
18.09.2021  16:27    <DIR>          Roaming
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Saved Games
17.10.2021  14:06    <DIR>          Searches
28.09.2021  19:34                 0 Sti_Trace.log
28.08.2021  13:31    <DIR>          Tracing
06.12.2021  17:56    <DIR>          Videos
               1 Datei(en),              0 Bytes
              18 Verzeichnis(se), 342.854.299.648 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc>cd C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>dir
 Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
 Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

05.01.2022  19:10    <DIR>          .
04.01.2022  18:41    <DIR>          ..
03.01.2022  18:32    <DIR>          images
01.01.2008  00:00             2.322 linux_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008  00:00             2.024 linux_fastboot_update_rom.sh
01.01.2008  00:00             2.352 macos_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008  00:00             2.052 macos_fastboot_update_rom.sh
03.01.2022  18:32    <DIR>          platform-tools-darwin
03.01.2022  18:32    <DIR>          platform-tools-linux
04.01.2022  19:39    <DIR>          platform-tools-windows
01.01.2008  00:00             2.395 windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat
01.01.2008  00:00             2.111 windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat
01.01.2022  10:37     3.944.620.958 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_21.12.30_v13-12-fastboot.zip
05.01.2022  19:10     3.897.462.712 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_V13.0.2.0.SKHCNXM_v13-12-fastboot.zip
               8 Datei(en),  7.842.096.926 Bytes
               6 Verzeichnis(se), 342.853.799.936 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
< waiting for any device >
getvar:product                                     FAILED (Status read failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
getvar:product                                     FAILED (Write to device failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>
Last edited by a moderator:
I'm happy: after factory reset from settings menu, my mi11 is perfect. Storage issue is solved!!!
The only things that not works is the VPN connection to my home (to my fritzbox router). has someone this issue?

when next weekly will be release, to upgrade, have I first to reflash TWRP recovery? Or can I execute the update file .bat (without format data) directly without reflash twrp? Thanks
The NOOB they have to read first page of the topic and understand them before asking useless question!
  • Haha
Reactions: Pho3nX and biscoot
I'm happy: after factory reset from settings menu, my mi11 is perfect. Storage issue is solved!!!
The only things that not works is the VPN connection to my home (to my fritzbox router). has someone this issue?

when next weekly will be release, to upgrade, have I first to reflash TWRP recovery? Or can I execute the update file .bat (without format data) directly without reflash twrp? Thanks

no no no twrp untill xiaomi.eu mention about it.for time being fastboot update is the only way
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Reactions: LOLO9393
This is what i get with you instructions:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.376]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc

05.01.2022 18:19 <DIR> .
17.10.2021 14:03 <DIR> ..
03.01.2022 18:45 <DIR> .android
23.08.2021 11:14 <DIR> 3D Objects
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Contacts
05.01.2022 22:43 <DIR> Desktop
23.11.2021 17:32 <DIR> Documents
21.12.2021 19:08 <DIR> Downloads
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Favorites
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Links
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Music
20.10.2021 19:04 <DIR> OneDrive
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Pictures
18.09.2021 16:27 <DIR> Roaming
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Saved Games
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Searches
28.09.2021 19:34 0 Sti_Trace.log
28.08.2021 13:31 <DIR> Tracing
06.12.2021 17:56 <DIR> Videos
1 Datei(en), 0 Bytes
18 Verzeichnis(se), 342.854.299.648 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc>cd C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>dir
Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

05.01.2022 19:10 <DIR> .
04.01.2022 18:41 <DIR> ..
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> images
01.01.2008 00:00 2.322 linux_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.024 linux_fastboot_update_rom.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.352 macos_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.052 macos_fastboot_update_rom.sh
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> platform-tools-darwin
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> platform-tools-linux
04.01.2022 19:39 <DIR> platform-tools-windows
01.01.2008 00:00 2.395 windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat
01.01.2008 00:00 2.111 windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat
01.01.2022 10:37 3.944.620.958 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_21.12.30_v13-12-fastboot.zip
05.01.2022 19:10 3.897.462.712 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_V13.0.2.0.SKHCNXM_v13-12-fastboot.zip
8 Datei(en), 7.842.096.926 Bytes
6 Verzeichnis(se), 342.853.799.936 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
< waiting for any device >
getvar:product FAILED (Status read failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
getvar:product FAILED (Write to device failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>
you have to change into the directory where fastboot.exe is installed and phone must be in fastboot before you want to execute fastboot. exe command and check if you can see your device with fastboot devices

fastboot getvar product

see my detailed description
Last edited:
This is what i get with you instructions:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.376]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc

05.01.2022 18:19 <DIR> .
17.10.2021 14:03 <DIR> ..
03.01.2022 18:45 <DIR> .android
23.08.2021 11:14 <DIR> 3D Objects
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Contacts
05.01.2022 22:43 <DIR> Desktop
23.11.2021 17:32 <DIR> Documents
21.12.2021 19:08 <DIR> Downloads
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Favorites
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Links
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Music
20.10.2021 19:04 <DIR> OneDrive
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Pictures
18.09.2021 16:27 <DIR> Roaming
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Saved Games
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Searches
28.09.2021 19:34 0 Sti_Trace.log
28.08.2021 13:31 <DIR> Tracing
06.12.2021 17:56 <DIR> Videos
1 Datei(en), 0 Bytes
18 Verzeichnis(se), 342.854.299.648 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc>cd C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>dir
Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

05.01.2022 19:10 <DIR> .
04.01.2022 18:41 <DIR> ..
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> images
01.01.2008 00:00 2.322 linux_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.024 linux_fastboot_update_rom.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.352 macos_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.052 macos_fastboot_update_rom.sh
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> platform-tools-darwin
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> platform-tools-linux
04.01.2022 19:39 <DIR> platform-tools-windows
01.01.2008 00:00 2.395 windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat
01.01.2008 00:00 2.111 windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat
01.01.2022 10:37 3.944.620.958 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_21.12.30_v13-12-fastboot.zip
05.01.2022 19:10 3.897.462.712 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_V13.0.2.0.SKHCNXM_v13-12-fastboot.zip
8 Datei(en), 7.842.096.926 Bytes
6 Verzeichnis(se), 342.853.799.936 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
< waiting for any device >
getvar:product FAILED (Status read failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
getvar:product FAILED (Write to device failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>
i think better u not update anything for now.
This is what i get with you instructions:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.376]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc

05.01.2022 18:19 <DIR> .
17.10.2021 14:03 <DIR> ..
03.01.2022 18:45 <DIR> .android
23.08.2021 11:14 <DIR> 3D Objects
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Contacts
05.01.2022 22:43 <DIR> Desktop
23.11.2021 17:32 <DIR> Documents
21.12.2021 19:08 <DIR> Downloads
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Favorites
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Links
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Music
20.10.2021 19:04 <DIR> OneDrive
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Pictures
18.09.2021 16:27 <DIR> Roaming
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Saved Games
17.10.2021 14:06 <DIR> Searches
28.09.2021 19:34 0 Sti_Trace.log
28.08.2021 13:31 <DIR> Tracing
06.12.2021 17:56 <DIR> Videos
1 Datei(en), 0 Bytes
18 Verzeichnis(se), 342.854.299.648 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc>cd C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>dir
Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
Volumeseriennummer: AE54-AEA9

Verzeichnis von C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot

05.01.2022 19:10 <DIR> .
04.01.2022 18:41 <DIR> ..
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> images
01.01.2008 00:00 2.322 linux_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.024 linux_fastboot_update_rom.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.352 macos_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.sh
01.01.2008 00:00 2.052 macos_fastboot_update_rom.sh
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> platform-tools-darwin
03.01.2022 18:32 <DIR> platform-tools-linux
04.01.2022 19:39 <DIR> platform-tools-windows
01.01.2008 00:00 2.395 windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat
01.01.2008 00:00 2.111 windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat
01.01.2022 10:37 3.944.620.958 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_21.12.30_v13-12-fastboot.zip
05.01.2022 19:10 3.897.462.712 xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_V13.0.2.0.SKHCNXM_v13-12-fastboot.zip
8 Datei(en), 7.842.096.926 Bytes
6 Verzeichnis(se), 342.853.799.936 Bytes frei

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
< waiting for any device >
getvar:product FAILED (Status read failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
getvar:product FAILED (Write to device failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth

C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>
The point is you messed prop build file on your alioth phone and you are in pain to upgrade.
Only solution is MIFLASH fastboot rom to recover it or modify fastboot EU rom internal script. 'not recommended if you don't know about)
The point is you messed prop build file on your alioth phone and you are in pain to upgrade.
Only solution is MIFLASH fastboot rom to recover it or modify fastboot EU rom internal script. 'not recommended if you don't know about)
Than you for the help and info, i have learned a couple of new trics but i have no success.
tried miflash but this new fastboot rom has no flash all script so i will have to wait.
I've ugraded to 21.12.29 rom on my mi note 10 and the gallery trash is not working right.when i delete a photo i can't find the deleted photo in the trash album inside the gallery app,although i managed to find the deleted file in the android/data/com.miui.gallery/files/trashBin location.
Today I received an update notification for Miui 13 22.1.5 but the mirrors seem to be offline. Can someone please help me? Does this mean I now need to update every time via my pc?
Today I received an update notification for Miui 13 22.1.5 but the mirrors seem to be offline. Can someone please help me? Does this mean I now need to update every time via my pc?
At the moment no OTA coz of no 100%.working TWRP (decrypt partitions)

There is the info so that you know there is an update, but fastboot rom no recovery rom

Here is a howto

if this continues I will still get my 2000 post together today
Feedback 21.11.29 > 22.1.5 - Mi 11 Venus (French)
[Clean Flash + Factory Reset after complete 1st configuration)

+ Fixed : No SystemUI crash on reboot when language French is selected
+ Fixed : No Wallapaper change/resetted by default when reboot
+ Optimized : Very Smooth UI, really
- Bugs : Always DP/DPI custom Settings resetted after reboot (back default 411)

Extra stuff Xiaomi.eu Team;)
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Reactions: paulpap
Feedback 21.11.29 > 22.1.5 - Mi 11 Venus (French)
[Clean Flash + Factory Reset after complete 1st configuration)

+ Fixed : No SystemUI crash on reboot when language French is selected
+ Fixed : No Wallapaper change/resetted by default when reboot
+ Optimized : Very Smooth UI, really
- Bugs : Always DP/DPI custom Settings resetted after reboot (back default 411)

Extra stuff Xiaomi.eu Team;)
I know you're excited and all...but you should have waited for the 22.1.5 thread to be opened. ;)
Your feedback would have been more appreciated there.

Anyways, enjoy the ROM :emoji_thumbsup:
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Reactions: katerpanne
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