MIUI 13 21.12.29/30 - First MIUI 13

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Updated to 22.1.6, for the moment it works fine.
Happy new year to all the team and fans.

MI 10 umi.
Thank you for the help, but no matter how i try it still shows in cmd my poco f3 as an unknown so i guess i will have to wait for recovery rom.
I am getting an ota update notification for latest stable today, will it install by itself or will it only work through fastboot?
Also, after getting error in cmd that the script is looking for alioth device, could the script be updated so that it searches for redmi k40 instead?
I opened up the script and it looked easy enough to edit for whoever edits scripts.
alioth is shown two times in the script and i´m not sure if changing it to redmi k40 would even work, but i am not going to expirement with failure.

Here is the script to see:

@echo off
cd %~dp0
set DEVICE=unknown
for /f "tokens=2" %%D in ('platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* getvar product 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /l /b /c:"product:"') do set DEVICE=%%D
if "%DEVICE%" neq "alioth" echo This package is for "alioth" devices; this is a "%DEVICE%". & exit /B 1

set /p CHOICE=You are going to wipe your data and internal storage. It will delete all your files and photos stored on internal storage. Do you agree? (Y/N)
if /i "%CHOICE%" neq "y" exit /B 0

platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* set_active a
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash dsp_ab images\dsp.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash xbl_config_ab images\xbl_config.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash boot_ab images\boot.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash modem_ab images\modem.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash vbmeta_system_ab images\vbmeta_system.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash tz_ab images\tz.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash vbmeta_ab images\vbmeta.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash bluetooth_ab images\bluetooth.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash abl_ab images\abl.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash dtbo_ab images\dtbo.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash featenabler_ab images\featenabler.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash vendor_boot_ab images\vendor_boot.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash keymaster_ab images\keymaster.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash uefisecapp_ab images\uefisecapp.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash qupfw_ab images\qupfw.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash xbl_ab images\xbl.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash cmnlib_ab images\cmnlib.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash cmnlib64_ab images\cmnlib64.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash devcfg_ab images\devcfg.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash hyp_ab images\hyp.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash imagefv_ab images\imagefv.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash aop_ab images\aop.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash cust images\cust.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash super images\super.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* erase metadata
platform-tools-windows\fastboot -w
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* set_active a
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* reboot
From your previous screenshot your device was not recognized as "Redmi k40" (neither as "alioth") or something but as "unknown" - set as default value in the first lines of the script in case the model would not be recognized

Maybe you installed some custom ROM previously that messed up or who knows.
In your case I would first want to go to the stock, to start the clean

Anyway, if you want to workaround, checking for "Redmi k40" would not help (just like it does not work for "alioth"), you would need instead to disable the whole line:
if... (looking for allioth) ... exit
by commentig it out or deleting that whole line

But you should know/understand the basics of bat scripting - google can be your friend if needed
Poco F2 Pro. Installed 22.1.6 just now, the flight is excellent. Thanks to the team Xiaomi.eu

Where is 22.1.6? any Link?
Feedback 21.11.29 > 22.1.5 - Mi 11 Venus (French)
[Clean Flash + Factory Reset after complete 1st configuration)

+ Fixed : No SystemUI crash on reboot when language French is selected
+ Fixed : No Wallapaper change/resetted by default when reboot
+ Optimized : Very Smooth UI, really
- Bugs : Always DP/DPI custom Settings resetted after reboot (back default 411)

Extra stuff Xiaomi.eu Team;)
Thanks for the feedback, although it's wasted here. The team, and most users, aren't looking for 22.1.5/6 feedback in the 21.12.29/30 thread, that makes no sense.
Once all ROMs are built and uploaded, a dedicated thread will be opened.
Need ur help! I have a mi11 (venus) and its still on android 11 weekly (twrp) - i didnt fastboot to miui 12.
Is it possible to flash to miui 13 stable or weekly now with fastboot or i need to flash first to miui 12?

Thank you... :D
This is what i get with you instructions:
C:\Users\Stasc\Downloads\Poco F3\Rom\Fastboot>platform-tools-windows\fastboot getvar product product:alioth
getvar:product                                     FAILED (Write to device failed (Too many links))
fastboot: usage: unknown command product:alioth
From the screenshot rookietr gave you, you had to understand that:
>> getvar product
was command

>> product:alioth
was expected result (not an unrecognized command you tried to execute)

IMO, if you are not familiar with the basics of DOS and Fastboot commands better don't play with (might be too risky)

Seems that by some add-ons you changed the props and your phone does no more know for its model.
Revert/uninstall the changes you did or flash the stock to start from clean
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