04-02 10:07:45.180 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:46.400 D/ ( 3218): 10059 com.nolanlawson.logcat executing 0 /system/bin/sh
04-02 10:07:46.400 I/ActivityManager( 501): Start proc com.android.mms for service com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReportService: pid=3220 uid=10033 gids={3003, 1015, 1006, 1028}
04-02 10:07:46.420 D/dalvikvm( 3106): GC_CONCURRENT freed 7184K, 42% free 11701K/20039K, paused 13ms+19ms, total 160ms
04-02 10:07:46.480 E/Trace ( 3220): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
04-02 10:07:46.480 D/ActivityThread( 3220): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.25
04-02 10:07:46.480 D/ActivityThread( 3220): setTargetHeapIdealFree:8388608
04-02 10:07:46.480 D/ActivityThread( 3220): setTargetHeapConcurrentStart:2097152
04-02 10:07:46.490 W/ResourceType( 3220): Failure getting entry for 0x7f0c0002 (t=11 e=2) in package 0 (error -75)
04-02 10:07:46.520 I/ActivityThread( 3220): Pub com.android.mms.festival: com.android.mms.data.FestivalSmsProvider
04-02 10:07:46.520 I/ActivityThread( 3220): Pub mms_temp_file: com.android.mms.TempFileProvider
04-02 10:07:46.520 I/ActivityThread( 3220): Pub com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider: com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): mnc/mcc: 72234
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: bool value: enabledMMS - true
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 307200
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 1920
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 1920
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: defaultSMSMessagesPerThread - 500
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: defaultMMSMessagesPerThread - 50
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: minMessageCountPerThread - 10
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: maxMessageCountPerThread - 5000
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: string value: uaProfUrl - http://www.google.com/oha/rdf/ua-profile-kila.xml
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: recipientLimit - -1
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: smsToMmsTextThreshold - 9
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: bool value: enableMultipartSMS - false
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: bool value: enableSlideDuration - true
04-02 10:07:46.530 V/MmsConfig( 3220): tag: int value: maxMessageTextSize - -1
04-02 10:07:46.570 D/CountryDetector( 501): The first listener is added
04-02 10:07:46.590 E/SmsReportService( 3220): Could not initialize TextToSpeech.
04-02 10:07:46.600 V/Mms ( 3220): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(131): Intent received: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 (has extras) }
04-02 10:07:46.600 D/Mms ( 3220): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(151): MMS connectivity becomes available
04-02 10:07:46.670 D/ ( 3240): 10059 com.nolanlawson.logcat executing 0 /system/bin/sh
04-02 10:07:46.710 D/PhoneStatusBar( 771): addNotification score=0
04-02 10:07:46.770 V/PhoneStatusBar( 771): setLightsOn(true)
04-02 10:07:46.790 D/ ( 3244): 10059 com.nolanlawson.logcat executing 0 /system/bin/sh
04-02 10:07:48.180 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:07:48.180 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:48.180 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-3ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:48.180 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:48.180 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-4ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:48.180 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:07:48.200 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:07:48.200 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:49.590 W/ResourceType( 771): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090002 (t=8 e=2) in package 0 (error -75)
04-02 10:07:49.590 W/ResourceType( 771): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
04-02 10:07:49.590 W/PackageManager( 771): Failure retrieving resources forcom.miui.home: Resource ID #0x0
04-02 10:07:49.620 V/PhoneStatusBar( 771): setLightsOn(true)
04-02 10:07:49.630 W/ResourceType( 501): Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x7f0f000d
04-02 10:07:49.670 D/dalvikvm( 771): GC_CONCURRENT freed 8485K, 53% free 10274K/21575K, paused 2ms+10ms, total 75ms
04-02 10:07:50.090 D/Mms ( 3220): [1] SmsMessageSender.java(226): 重发SmsReceiverService.ACTION_SEND_MESSAGE
04-02 10:07:50.130 W/Mms/cache( 3220): RecipientId 1 not in cache!
04-02 10:07:50.130 D/Mms ( 3220): [623] RecipientIdCache.java(67): [RecipientIdCache] fill: begin
04-02 10:07:50.170 V/MakeMmsPreviewService( 843): Got 0 messages to process
04-02 10:07:50.170 D/Mms ( 3220): [1] TransactionService.java(174): Creating TransactionService...
04-02 10:07:50.170 V/MakeMmsPreviewService( 843): Processing messages.
04-02 10:07:50.180 D/Mms ( 3220): [1] TransactionService.java(236): onStartService: startId=1
04-02 10:07:50.180 V/Mms ( 3220): [1] TransactionService.java(258): Posting enqueueAllMessages
04-02 10:07:50.200 I/XIAOMIANALYTICS( 3220): start session(com.android.mms)
04-02 10:07:50.200 D/MxActivateService( 3220): receive action:com.xiaomi.mms.action.ACTIVATE_MX
04-02 10:07:50.200 D/MxActivateService( 3220): mi message is disabled, no need to activate
04-02 10:07:50.210 V/SmsReceiverService( 3220): onStart: #1 mResultCode: -1 = Activity.RESULT_OK
04-02 10:07:50.210 W/TextToSpeech( 3220): shutdown failed: not bound to TTS engine
04-02 10:07:50.220 D/MxMessageTrackService( 3220): start service, action: com.xiaomi.mms.mx.ACTION_START_TRACK
04-02 10:07:50.220 E/SmsReportService( 3220): Could not initialize TextToSpeech.
04-02 10:07:50.220 V/Mms ( 3220): [624] TransactionService.java(481): enqueueAllMessages: Pending transaction count=0
04-02 10:07:50.220 V/Mms ( 3220): [624] TransactionService.java(486): enqueueAllMessages: No pending transaction. Stopping service.
04-02 10:07:50.220 V/Mms ( 3220): [624] TransactionService.java(354): endMmsConnectivity
04-02 10:07:50.220 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:07:50,229 - [DEBUG::PushService] - onStart() with intent.Action = com.xiaomi.push.CLOSE_CHANNEL
04-02 10:07:50.230 I/XIAOMIANALYTICS( 3220): end session(com.android.mms)
04-02 10:07:50.230 D/Mms ( 3220): [1] TransactionService.java(206): Destroying TransactionService
04-02 10:07:50.230 V/Mms ( 3220): [1] TransactionService.java(213): Requested killing handler thread.
04-02 10:07:50.230 D/Mms ( 3220): [624] TransactionService.java(493): TrasctionService stopped.
04-02 10:07:50.230 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature - not a live request, ignoring
04-02 10:07:50.270 D/MxMessageTrackService( 3220): msg size not delivered: 0
04-02 10:07:50.350 I/ActivityManager( 501): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher u=0} from pid 501
04-02 10:07:50.360 W/ResourceType( 501): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090002 (t=8 e=2) in package 0 (error -75)
04-02 10:07:50.420 D/PhoneStatusBar( 771): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back home recent clock >
04-02 10:07:50.550 W/WindowManager( 501): Rebuild removed 3 windows but added 2
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): This window was lost: Window{41958300 Please wait paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mSession=Session{41c3cce8 uid 10059} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@4189da80
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#8020002 pfl=0x8 fmt=-2 wanim=0x1030002}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Requested w=333 h=257 mLayoutSeq=1161
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=21010+0=21010 mLastLayer=21020
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mToken=AppWindowToken{41f8ef98 token=Token{41846648 ActivityRecord{41862488 com.nolanlawson.logcat/.ShowRecordLogDialogActivity}}}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mRootToken=AppWindowToken{41f8ef98 token=Token{41846648 ActivityRecord{41862488 com.nolanlawson.logcat/.ShowRecordLogDialogActivity}}}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mAppToken=AppWindowToken{41f8ef98 token=Token{41846648 ActivityRecord{41862488 com.nolanlawson.logcat/.ShowRecordLogDialogActivity}}}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mConfiguration={1.0 722mcc34mnc en_GB sw320dp w320dp h544dp nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.8 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mHasSurface=true mShownFrame=[73.0,317.0][406.0,574.0]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mFrame=[73,317][406,574] last=[73,317][406,574]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][333,257] last=[0,0][333,257]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Frames: containing=[0,38][480,854] parent=[0,38][480,854] display=[0,38][480,854]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): content=[73,317][406,574] visible=[73,317][406,574]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Cur insets: content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Lst insets: content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mAnimating=false mLocalAnimating=false mAnimationIsEntrance=true mAnimation=null
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mSurface=Surface(name=Please wait, identity=216)
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=true
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Surface: shown=false layer=21020 alpha=1.0 rect=(73.0,317.0) 333.0 x 257.0
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): mExiting=true mRemoveOnExit=true mDestroying=false mRemoved=false
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Current app token list:
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #1: Token{41f02a10 ActivityRecord{4180eb20 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher}}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #0: Token{41a46c70 ActivityRecord{41f1c8a8 com.nolanlawson.logcat/.LogcatActivity}}
04-02 10:07:50.560 W/WindowManager( 501): Final window list:
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #8: Window{41a7c218 RoundedCornerView paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #7: Window{41f4ca38 RecentsPanel paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #6: Window{418239f0 StatusBar paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #5: Window{41c3a058 Keyguard paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #4: Window{41c0af00 InputMethod paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #3: Window{41b25c30 Toast paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #2: Window{41912af0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.560 V/WindowManager( 501): #1: Window{42124080 com.nolanlawson.logcat/com.nolanlawson.logcat.LogcatActivity paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.570 V/WindowManager( 501): #0: Window{4186ddb8 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper paused=false}
04-02 10:07:50.720 V/PhoneStatusBar( 771): setLightsOn(true)
04-02 10:07:51.010 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:07:51.010 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:07:51.010 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:07:51.210 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:07:51.210 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:51.210 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-6ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:51.210 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:51.210 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-7ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:51.210 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:07:51.230 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:07:51.230 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:52.210 I/ActivityManager( 501): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.MapsActivity bnds=[241,448][355,583] u=0} from pid 2383
04-02 10:07:52.260 D/PhoneStatusBar( 771): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back home recent clock >
04-02 10:07:52.270 I/ActivityManager( 501): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps for activity com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.MapsActivity: pid=3259 uid=10057 gids={3003, 1015, 1028}
04-02 10:07:52.370 E/Trace ( 3259): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
04-02 10:07:52.370 D/ActivityThread( 3259): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.25
04-02 10:07:52.370 D/ActivityThread( 3259): setTargetHeapIdealFree:8388608
04-02 10:07:52.370 D/ActivityThread( 3259): setTargetHeapConcurrentStart:2097152
04-02 10:07:52.570 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.LayerInfoProvider: com.google.googlenav.layer.LayerInfoProvider
04-02 10:07:52.590 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.OfflineIndexProvider: com.google.googlenav.provider.OfflineIndexProvider
04-02 10:07:52.590 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.TrafficAppWidgetProvider: com.google.googlenav.appwidget.traffic.TrafficAppWidgetProvider
04-02 10:07:52.590 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.LocalActivePlacesProvider: com.google.googlenav.provider.LocalActivePlacesProvider
04-02 10:07:52.590 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.StarredItemProvider: com.google.googlenav.provider.StarredItemProvider
04-02 10:07:52.730 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.LocalSuggestionProvider: com.google.googlenav.provider.LocalSuggestionProvider
04-02 10:07:52.730 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.SearchHistoryProvider: com.google.googlenav.provider.SearchHistoryProvider
04-02 10:07:52.730 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.NavigationAvailabilityProvider: com.google.googlenav.provider.NavigationAvailabilityProvider
04-02 10:07:52.730 I/ActivityThread( 3259): Pub com.google.android.maps.SuggestionProvider: com.google.googlenav.suggest.android.SuggestContentProvider
04-02 10:07:52.770 D/Maps ( 3259): Build: 6140304
04-02 10:07:52.990 W/ResourceType( 3259): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
04-02 10:07:52.990 W/PackageManager( 3259): Failure retrieving resources forcom.google.android.apps.maps: Resource ID #0x0
04-02 10:07:53.170 D/dalvikvm( 501): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
04-02 10:07:53.270 D/dalvikvm( 501): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2306K, 27% free 18587K/25351K, paused 7ms+8ms, total 96ms
04-02 10:07:53.280 V/NFC ( 3259): this device does not have NFC support
04-02 10:07:53.340 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/===> int loc_eng_update_criteria(loc_eng_data_s_type&, UlpLocationCriteria) line 1923
04-02 10:07:53.340 D/GpsLocationProvider( 501): Gps MessageHandler. msg.what 8 msg.arg1:10057 msg.arg2: 0
04-02 10:07:53.340 D/GpsLocationProvider( 501): Gps MessageHandler. msg.what 3 msg.arg1:1 msg.arg2: 1
04-02 10:07:53.340 D/GpsLocationProvider( 501): In handleEnableLocationTrackingGps. enable true
04-02 10:07:53.340 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/===> int loc_eng_set_position_mode(loc_eng_data_s_type&, LocPosMode&) line 634
04-02 10:07:53.340 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/===> int loc_eng_start(loc_eng_data_s_type&) line 495
04-02 10:07:53.340 D/LocSvc_adapter( 501): loc_eng_set_position mode, client = 1, interval = 1000, mode = 1
04-02 10:07:53.340 E/LocSvc_api_rpc_glue( 501): I/---> loc_ioctl line 557 RPC_LOC_IOCTL_SET_FIX_CRITERIA
04-02 10:07:53.340 I/LocationManagerService( 501): request gps (pid 3259) 0 0
04-02 10:07:53.340 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 sending call (XID 99).
04-02 10:07:53.340 I/LocationManagerService( 501): request network (pid 3259) 0 0
04-02 10:07:53.350 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_IOCTL_REPORT
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received REPLY (XID 99), grabbing mutex to wake up client.
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 call success.
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7768, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7768)
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms arg1=1 }
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms arg1=1 }
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd AP_SCAN 2
04-02 10:07:53.350 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectModeState
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectModeState{ what=131143 when=-2ms arg1=1 }
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: DriverStartedState
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): DriverStartedState{ what=131143 when=-2ms arg1=1 }
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd DRIVER SCAN-ACTIVE
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SCAN
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: Building WPS IE for Probe Request
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Version (hardcoded 0x10)
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Request Type
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Config Methods (2108)
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * UUID-E
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Primary Device Type
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * RF Bands (1)
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Association State
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Configuration Error (0)
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Device Password ID (0)
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Manufacturer
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Model Name
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Model Number
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Device Name
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: * Version2 (0x20)
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): P2P: * P2P IE header
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): P2P: * Capability dev=23 group=00
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): P2P: * Listen Channel: Regulatory Class 81 Channel 6
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Event message available
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Scan trigger
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd DRIVER SCAN-PASSIVE
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:53.360 E/LocSvc_api_rpc_glue( 501): I/---> loc_start_fix line 432 loc start fix
04-02 10:07:53.360 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 sending call (XID 100).
04-02 10:07:53.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_STATUS_REPORT
04-02 10:07:53.370 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== status_cb line 775 GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN
04-02 10:07:53.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received REPLY (XID 100), grabbing mutex to wake up client.
04-02 10:07:53.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 call success.
04-02 10:07:53.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:53.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7769, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:53.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7769)
04-02 10:07:53.400 W/ResourceType( 771): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090009 (t=8 e=9) in package 0 (error -75)
04-02 10:07:53.400 D/PhoneStatusBar( 771): addNotification score=10
04-02 10:07:53.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:53.430 W/ResourceType( 771): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090009 (t=8 e=9) in package 0 (error -75)
04-02 10:07:53.470 W/ResourceType( 771): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090009 (t=8 e=9) in package 0 (error -75)
04-02 10:07:53.490 I/Adreno200-EGL( 3259): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:299>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_REL_RB1. (Merge)
04-02 10:07:53.490 I/Adreno200-EGL( 3259): Build Date: 11/05/12 Mon
04-02 10:07:53.490 I/Adreno200-EGL( 3259): Local Branch: mybranch425650
04-02 10:07:53.490 I/Adreno200-EGL( 3259): Remote Branch: quic/jb_rel_rb1.2
04-02 10:07:53.490 I/Adreno200-EGL( 3259): Local Patches: NONE
04-02 10:07:53.490 I/Adreno200-EGL( 3259): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_REL_RB1. + NOTHING
04-02 10:07:53.520 V/PhoneStatusBar( 771): setLightsOn(true)
04-02 10:07:53.520 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7770, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:53.540 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_LOCATION_SERVER_REQUEST
04-02 10:07:53.540 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== agps_cb line 701 GPS_REQUEST_AGPS_DATA_CONN
04-02 10:07:53.540 D/ConnectivityService( 501): startUsingNetworkFeature for net 0: enableSUPL, uid=1000
04-02 10:07:53.550 D/ConnectivityService( 501): startUsingNetworkFeature reconnecting to 0: enableSUPL
04-02 10:07:53.560 D/ConnectivityService( 501): startUsingNetworkFeature took 15ms
04-02 10:07:53.570 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7770)
04-02 10:07:53.580 D/ConnectivityService( 501): ConnectivityChange for mobile_supl: CONNECTING/CONNECTING
04-02 10:07:53.670 I/ActivityManager( 501): Displayed com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.MapsActivity: +1s406ms
04-02 10:07:53.800 D/dalvikvm( 3259): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3986K, 33% free 10447K/15427K, paused 13ms+15ms, total 96ms
04-02 10:07:53.800 D/dalvikvm( 3259): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 80ms
04-02 10:07:53.990 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:07:54.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:07:54.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:07:54.020 I/ActivityManager( 501): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps:LocationFriendService for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.friend.reporting.LocationReportingIntentReceiver: pid=3317 uid=10057 gids={3003, 1015, 1028}
04-02 10:07:54.060 D/GCM ( 3165): COMPAT: Single user
04-02 10:07:54.100 E/Trace ( 3317): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
04-02 10:07:54.100 D/ActivityThread( 3317): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.25
04-02 10:07:54.100 D/ActivityThread( 3317): setTargetHeapIdealFree:8388608
04-02 10:07:54.100 D/ActivityThread( 3317): setTargetHeapConcurrentStart:2097152
04-02 10:07:54.230 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:07:54.230 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:54.230 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-1ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:54.230 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:54.230 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-1ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:54.230 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:07:54.240 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:07:54.240 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Event message available
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: New scan results available
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Associated on 2427 MHz
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Associated with 64:70:02:7e:19:46
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Received scan results (5 BSSes)
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Survey data missing
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Scan results indicate BSS status with 64:70:02:7e:19:46 as associated
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Sorted scan results
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): 64:70:02:7e:19:46 freq=2427 qual=0 noise=0 level=-40 flags=0x2b
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): 20:e5:64:dd:3b:e0 freq=2412 qual=0 noise=0 level=-74 flags=0xb
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): 00:23:69:fa:89:32 freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-80 flags=0xb
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): b0:48:7a:a7:ac:f6 freq=2452 qual=0 noise=0 level=-99 flags=0xb
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): 00:24:8c:2c:cf:b2 freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-72 flags=0xb
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Add randomness: count=221 entropy=181
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Add randomness: count=222 entropy=182
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Add randomness: count=223 entropy=183
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Add randomness: count=224 entropy=184
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): Add randomness: count=225 entropy=185
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=147461
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=147461 when=-2ms }
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=147461 when=-2ms }
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectModeState
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectModeState{ what=147461 when=-2ms }
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd AP_SCAN 1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: DriverStartedState
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): DriverStartedState{ what=147461 when=-4ms }
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): SupplicantStartedState{ what=147461 when=-4ms }
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SCAN_RESULTS
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=7
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=7
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=12
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=17
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=7
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=7
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=12
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=17
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=7
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=7
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=12
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=17
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
04-02 10:07:54.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
04-02 10:07:54.290 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:54.360 E/BaiduNetworkLocationProvider( 1927): NetworkLocation Exception: server error
04-02 10:07:54.730 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:54.730 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_STATUS_REPORT
04-02 10:07:54.730 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== status_cb line 775 GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_ON
04-02 10:07:54.730 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== status_cb line 782 GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN
04-02 10:07:54.730 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7771, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:54.730 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7771)
04-02 10:07:54.960 D/dalvikvm( 3259): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4611K, 32% free 12383K/18119K, paused 14ms+14ms, total 124ms
04-02 10:07:55.040 I/ActivityManager( 501): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps:MapsBackgroundService for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.networkinitiated.NetworkInitiatedReceiver: pid=3349 uid=10057 gids={3003, 1015, 1028}
04-02 10:07:55.140 E/Trace ( 3349): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
04-02 10:07:55.140 D/ActivityThread( 3349): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.25
04-02 10:07:55.140 D/ActivityThread( 3349): setTargetHeapIdealFree:8388608
04-02 10:07:55.140 D/ActivityThread( 3349): setTargetHeapConcurrentStart:2097152
04-02 10:07:55.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:55.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:07:55.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7772, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:55.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7772)
04-02 10:07:55.850 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Ignore event for foreign ifindex 3
04-02 10:07:56.020 D/ConnectivityService( 501): ConnectivityChange for mobile_supl: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
04-02 10:07:56.020 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Setting TCP values: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608] which comes from [net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa]
04-02 10:07:56.040 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleConnectivityChange: changed linkProperty[3]: doReset=false resetMask=0
04-02 10:07:56.040 D/ConnectivityService( 501): curLp=null
04-02 10:07:56.040 D/ConnectivityService( 501): newLp=InterfaceName: rmnet0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ ->,] DnsAddresses: [,,]
04-02 10:07:56.040 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Adding -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.050 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Adding -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.060 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.070 E/ConnectivityService( 501): Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '250 interface route remove rmnet0 default 0' failed with '400 250 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)'
04-02 10:07:56.070 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.090 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.100 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.100 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.100 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.120 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.130 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.130 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.140 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:07:56.160 V/NetworkManagementService( 501): replace src route response is 200 251 source route replace & local subnet route add succeeded for rid: 4
04-02 10:07:56.160 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Adding -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.160 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:07:56.160 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Adding -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:07:56.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Adding -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:07:56.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Adding -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.180 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:07:56.180 D/ConnectivityService( 501): resetting DNS cache for rmnet0
04-02 10:07:56.180 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
04-02 10:07:56.180 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcastDelayed: delayMs=3000, action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
04-02 10:07:56.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7773, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7773)
04-02 10:07:56.390 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.390 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.390 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7774, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9c16c0
04-02 10:07:56.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9c16c0
04-02 10:07:56.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c51eb50
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7774)
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7775, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7775)
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7776, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7776)
04-02 10:07:56.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb25660
04-02 10:07:56.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8e7fa8
04-02 10:07:56.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7777, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7777)
04-02 10:07:56.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7778, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7778)
04-02 10:07:56.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.440 D/dalvikvm( 3259): GC_CONCURRENT freed 5136K, 32% free 13562K/19719K, paused 13ms+22ms, total 139ms
04-02 10:07:56.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7779, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5caeb788
04-02 10:07:56.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb25660
04-02 10:07:56.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7779)
04-02 10:07:56.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7780, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7780)
04-02 10:07:56.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:07:56.460 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:07:56.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:56.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7781, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:56.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7781)
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-2ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-2ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:07:57.240 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:57.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7782, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7782)
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9c16c0
04-02 10:07:57.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9c16c0
04-02 10:07:57.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c51eb50
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7783, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7783)
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7784, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7784)
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7785, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7785)
04-02 10:07:57.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7786, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb4d470
04-02 10:07:57.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9191d0
04-02 10:07:57.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb4d470
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7786)
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7787, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7787)
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7788, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7788)
04-02 10:07:57.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb4d470
04-02 10:07:57.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:07:57.440 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:07:57.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7789, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7789)
04-02 10:07:57.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:57.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7790, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:57.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7790)
04-02 10:07:58.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7791, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7791)
04-02 10:07:58.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9c16c0
04-02 10:07:58.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7792, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7792)
04-02 10:07:58.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7793, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9c16c0
04-02 10:07:58.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c51eb50
04-02 10:07:58.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9191d0
04-02 10:07:58.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7793)
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7794, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7794)
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7795, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7795)
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7796, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c1b5bb8
04-02 10:07:58.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9191d0
04-02 10:07:58.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9191d0
04-02 10:07:58.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7796)
04-02 10:07:58.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7797, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7797)
04-02 10:07:58.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7798, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:07:58.430 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:07:58.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7798)
04-02 10:07:58.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:58.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7799, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:58.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7799)
04-02 10:07:59.190 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
04-02 10:07:59.200 D/Tethering( 501): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-02 10:07:59.210 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmAsuLevel=25
04-02 10:07:59.210 W/SignalStrength( 771): getCdmaAsuLevel=99
04-02 10:07:59.210 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-02 10:07:59.210 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-02 10:07:59.210 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmLevel=4
04-02 10:07:59.210 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLevel=4
04-02 10:07:59.210 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 771): updateTelephonySignalStrength: mSignalStrength == 25(GSM) 99(CDMA)
04-02 10:07:59.230 D/GpsLocationProvider( 501): Gps MessageHandler. msg.what 4 msg.arg1:2 msg.arg2: 0
04-02 10:07:59.240 V/Mms ( 3220): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(131): Intent received: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 (has extras) }
04-02 10:07:59.240 D/ConnectivityService( 501): reportNetworkCondition(1, 100)
04-02 10:07:59.260 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionChange: net=1, condition=100,mActiveDefaultNetwork=1
04-02 10:07:59.260 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionChange: starting a change hold
04-02 10:07:59.270 V/KscService( 3029): startMNRMoniter action:Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.fileexplorer/cn.kuaipan.android.service.KscService (has extras) }, type=2
04-02 10:07:59.270 V/KscService( 3029): stopMNRMoniter
04-02 10:07:59.270 V/KscService( 3029): Receive event: Intent { act=KscService.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.fileexplorer/cn.kuaipan.android.service.KscService (has extras) }, from KscService
04-02 10:07:59.280 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/===> int loc_eng_agps_open(loc_eng_data_s_type&, AGpsType, char const*, AGpsBearerType) line 900
04-02 10:07:59.280 E/LocSvc_api_rpc_glue( 501): I/---> loc_ioctl line 557 RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INFORM_SERVER_MULTI_OPEN_STATUS
04-02 10:07:59.280 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 sending call (XID 101).
04-02 10:07:59.280 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received REPLY (XID 101), grabbing mutex to wake up client.
04-02 10:07:59.280 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 call success.
04-02 10:07:59.290 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_IOCTL_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.290 D/CMStats ( 3077): CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
04-02 10:07:59.290 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.290 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7800, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.290 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7800)
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131131
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectModeState
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectModeState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: DriverStartedState
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): DriverStartedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
04-02 10:07:59.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:07:59.320 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:07:59.320 I/StringUtils( 3091): NewVersion: MIUI-3.3.29, oldVersion: MIUI-3.3.29
04-02 10:07:59.320 I/LocationManagerService( 501): request network (pid 31438) 100 0
04-02 10:07:59.340 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:07:59,344 - [DEBUG::PushService] - onStart() with intent.Action = com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.network_status_changed
04-02 10:07:59.340 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:07:59,347 - [DEBUG::PushService] - current active network:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
04-02 10:07:59.340 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:07:59,348 - [DEBUG::PushService] - network connected, do reconnect
04-02 10:07:59.340 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:07:59,348 - [DEBUG::PushService] - no channel registered, return.
04-02 10:07:59.370 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 3120): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
04-02 10:07:59.370 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 3120): background data: true
04-02 10:07:59.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7801, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7801)
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ccef980
04-02 10:07:59.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ccef980
04-02 10:07:59.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7802, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7802)
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7803, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7803)
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7804, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc3ec30
04-02 10:07:59.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce42088
04-02 10:07:59.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7804)
04-02 10:07:59.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7805, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7805)
04-02 10:07:59.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce42088
04-02 10:07:59.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce42088
04-02 10:07:59.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7806, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7806)
04-02 10:07:59.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7807, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7807)
04-02 10:07:59.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce42088
04-02 10:07:59.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:07:59.440 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:07:59.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7808, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7808)
04-02 10:07:59.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:07:59.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7809, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:07:59.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7809)
04-02 10:07:59.760 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
04-02 10:07:59.760 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION
04-02 10:07:59.770 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmAsuLevel=25
04-02 10:07:59.770 W/SignalStrength( 771): getCdmaAsuLevel=99
04-02 10:07:59.770 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-02 10:07:59.770 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-02 10:07:59.770 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmLevel=4
04-02 10:07:59.770 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLevel=4
04-02 10:07:59.770 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 771): updateTelephonySignalStrength: mSignalStrength == 25(GSM) 99(CDMA)
04-02 10:08:00.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:08:00.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:00.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:00.150 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_LOCATION_SERVER_REQUEST
04-02 10:08:00.150 E/LocSvc_api_rpc_glue( 501): I/---> loc_ioctl line 557 RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INFORM_SERVER_CLOSE_STATUS
04-02 10:08:00.150 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.150 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7810, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.150 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7810)
04-02 10:08:00.150 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 sending call (XID 102).
04-02 10:08:00.150 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received REPLY (XID 102), grabbing mutex to wake up client.
04-02 10:08:00.150 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 call success.
04-02 10:08:00.160 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.160 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== agps_cb line 701 GPS_RELEASE_AGPS_DATA_CONN
04-02 10:08:00.160 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_IOCTL_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.160 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7811, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.160 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature: net 0: enableSUPL
04-02 10:08:00.160 D/ConnectivityService( 501): reassessPidDns for pid 501
04-02 10:08:00.160 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7811)
04-02 10:08:00.160 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature: teardown net 0: enableSUPL
04-02 10:08:00.170 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/===> int loc_eng_agps_closed(loc_eng_data_s_type&, AGpsType) line 942
04-02 10:08:00.170 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): W/AgpsReleasedState: unrecognized event 3
04-02 10:08:00.170 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_LOCATION_SERVER_REQUEST
04-02 10:08:00.170 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== agps_cb line 701 GPS_REQUEST_AGPS_DATA_CONN
04-02 10:08:00.170 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.170 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7812, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): startUsingNetworkFeature for net 0: enableSUPL, uid=1000
04-02 10:08:00.170 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7812)
04-02 10:08:00.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): startUsingNetworkFeature reconnecting to 0: enableSUPL
04-02 10:08:00.170 D/ConnectivityService( 501): startUsingNetworkFeature took 3ms
04-02 10:08:00.190 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: Ignore event for foreign ifindex 3
04-02 10:08:00.240 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:08:00.240 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:00.240 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-1ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:00.240 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:00.240 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-1ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:00.240 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:08:00.260 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:08:00.260 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:00.280 E/installd( 128): iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
04-02 10:08:00.280 E/installd( 128):
04-02 10:08:00.280 E/installd( 128): iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
04-02 10:08:00.280 E/installd( 128):
04-02 10:08:00.290 E/installd( 128): iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
04-02 10:08:00.290 E/installd( 128):
04-02 10:08:00.290 E/installd( 128): failed to run 'iptables -D OUTPUT `iptables -S OUTPUT | busybox awk '$6=="miui_rmnet0" {print NR-1}'`; iptables -F miui_rmnet0; iptables -X miui_rmnet0; ' (Status 1)
04-02 10:08:00.290 D/ConnectivityService( 501): ConnectivityChange for mobile_supl: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
04-02 10:08:00.290 D/ConnectivityService( 501): reassessPidDns for pid 501
04-02 10:08:00.300 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleConnectivityChange: changed linkProperty[3]: doReset=true resetMask=3
04-02 10:08:00.300 D/ConnectivityService( 501): curLp=InterfaceName: rmnet0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ ->,] DnsAddresses: [,,]
04-02 10:08:00.300 D/ConnectivityService( 501): newLp= null
04-02 10:08:00.300 E/SecondaryTablController( 120): ip route del failed: /system/bin/ip route del via dev rmnet0 table 60
04-02 10:08:00.300 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:08:00.300 W/FrameworkListener( 120): Handler 'interface' error (No such device)
04-02 10:08:00.300 E/ConnectivityService( 501): Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '259 interface route remove rmnet0 secondary 32' failed with '400 259 ip route modification failed (No such device)'
04-02 10:08:00.300 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:08:00.310 E/SecondaryTablController( 120): ip route del failed: /system/bin/ip route del via dev rmnet0 table 60
04-02 10:08:00.310 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:08:00.310 W/FrameworkListener( 120): Handler 'interface' error (No such device)
04-02 10:08:00.310 E/ConnectivityService( 501): Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '260 interface route remove rmnet0 secondary 0' failed with '400 260 ip route modification failed (No such device)'
04-02 10:08:00.310 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing src route for:
04-02 10:08:00.320 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:08:00.320 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:08:00.330 V/ ( 120): RouteController
04-02 10:08:00.350 V/NetworkManagementService( 501): del src route response is 200 261 source route delete succeeded for rid:4
04-02 10:08:00.350 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:08:00.350 D/ConnectivityService( 501): not removing -> as it's still in use
04-02 10:08:00.350 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:08:00.350 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:08:00.360 E/ConnectivityService( 501): Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '262 interface route remove rmnet0 default 32' failed with '400 262 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)'
04-02 10:08:00.360 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:08:00.360 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:08:00.360 E/ConnectivityService( 501): Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '263 interface route remove rmnet0 default 32' failed with '400 263 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)'
04-02 10:08:00.360 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Routes in main table - [ [ ->, ->, ->] ]
04-02 10:08:00.360 D/ConnectivityService( 501): Removing -> for interface rmnet0
04-02 10:08:00.360 E/ConnectivityService( 501): Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '264 interface route remove rmnet0 default 32' failed with '400 264 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)'
04-02 10:08:00.360 D/ConnectivityService( 501): resetConnections(rmnet0, 3)
04-02 10:08:00.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7813, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7813)
04-02 10:08:00.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8c73f0
04-02 10:08:00.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7814, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7814)
04-02 10:08:00.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7815, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8c73f0
04-02 10:08:00.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7815)
04-02 10:08:00.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.430 D/ConnectivityService( 501): resetting DNS cache for rmnet0
04-02 10:08:00.430 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
04-02 10:08:00.440 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcastDelayed: delayMs=3000, action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
04-02 10:08:00.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7816, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb5ffa0
04-02 10:08:00.460 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
04-02 10:08:00.460 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcastDelayed: delayMs=3000, action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
04-02 10:08:00.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7816)
04-02 10:08:00.470 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.470 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8388e0
04-02 10:08:00.470 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.470 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c9d9910
04-02 10:08:00.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7817, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7817)
04-02 10:08:00.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7818, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.480 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7818)
04-02 10:08:00.480 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.480 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.480 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c90b4e8
04-02 10:08:00.480 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7819, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.490 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.490 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c90b4e8
04-02 10:08:00.490 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:00.490 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:00.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7819)
04-02 10:08:00.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7820, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7820)
04-02 10:08:00.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:00.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7821, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:00.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7821)
04-02 10:08:01.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7822, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7822)
04-02 10:08:01.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbcfd78
04-02 10:08:01.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7823, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7823)
04-02 10:08:01.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbcfd78
04-02 10:08:01.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb5ffa0
04-02 10:08:01.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7824, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7824)
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7825, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7825)
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7826, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7826)
04-02 10:08:01.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:01.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7827, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7827)
04-02 10:08:01.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:01.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbc8bd8
04-02 10:08:01.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7828, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7828)
04-02 10:08:01.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7829, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7829)
04-02 10:08:01.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:01.440 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:01.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:01.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7830, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:01.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7830)
04-02 10:08:02.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.370 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7831, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7831)
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbcfd78
04-02 10:08:02.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbcfd78
04-02 10:08:02.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7832, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7832)
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7833, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7833)
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7834, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb5ffa0
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7834)
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7835, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7835)
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7836, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7836)
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7837, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7837)
04-02 10:08:02.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbc8bd8
04-02 10:08:02.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:02.420 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:02.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7838, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7838)
04-02 10:08:02.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:02.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7839, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:02.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7839)
04-02 10:08:03.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:08:03.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:03.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:03.230 D/ConnectivityService( 501): ConnectivityService FeatureUser expire(0, enableSUPL, android.os.Binder@41c3ae30), created 60005 mSec ago
04-02 10:08:03.230 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature: net 0: enableSUPL
04-02 10:08:03.230 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature: this process has no outstanding requests, ignoring
04-02 10:08:03.260 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:08:03.260 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:03.260 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=0 arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:03.260 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:03.260 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=0 arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:03.260 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:08:03.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:08:03.280 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:03.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7840, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7840)
04-02 10:08:03.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbcfd78
04-02 10:08:03.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7841, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7841)
04-02 10:08:03.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7842, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbcfd78
04-02 10:08:03.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb5ffa0
04-02 10:08:03.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7842)
04-02 10:08:03.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7843, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7843)
04-02 10:08:03.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7844, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:03.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:03.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c245b50
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7844)
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7845, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7845)
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7846, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7846)
04-02 10:08:03.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb026d8
04-02 10:08:03.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.430 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:03.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7847, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7847)
04-02 10:08:03.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7848, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7848)
04-02 10:08:03.460 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
04-02 10:08:03.460 D/Tethering( 501): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-02 10:08:03.460 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
04-02 10:08:03.470 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmAsuLevel=25
04-02 10:08:03.470 W/SignalStrength( 771): getCdmaAsuLevel=99
04-02 10:08:03.470 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-02 10:08:03.470 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-02 10:08:03.470 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmLevel=4
04-02 10:08:03.470 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLevel=4
04-02 10:08:03.470 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 771): updateTelephonySignalStrength: mSignalStrength == 25(GSM) 99(CDMA)
04-02 10:08:03.480 D/GpsLocationProvider( 501): Gps MessageHandler. msg.what 4 msg.arg1:2 msg.arg2: 0
04-02 10:08:03.480 D/ConnectivityService( 501): reportNetworkCondition(1, 100)
04-02 10:08:03.480 D/Tethering( 501): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
04-02 10:08:03.500 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionChange: net=1, condition=100,mActiveDefaultNetwork=1
04-02 10:08:03.500 V/Mms ( 3220): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(131): Intent received: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 (has extras) }
04-02 10:08:03.500 V/Mms ( 3220): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(131): Intent received: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 (has extras) }
04-02 10:08:03.500 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionChange: starting a change hold
04-02 10:08:03.510 D/ConnectivityService( 501): reportNetworkCondition(1, 100)
04-02 10:08:03.510 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionChange: net=1, condition=100,mActiveDefaultNetwork=1
04-02 10:08:03.510 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmAsuLevel=25
04-02 10:08:03.510 W/SignalStrength( 771): getCdmaAsuLevel=99
04-02 10:08:03.510 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-02 10:08:03.510 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-02 10:08:03.510 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmLevel=4
04-02 10:08:03.510 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLevel=4
04-02 10:08:03.510 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionChange: currently in hold - not setting new end evt
04-02 10:08:03.510 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 771): updateTelephonySignalStrength: mSignalStrength == 25(GSM) 99(CDMA)
04-02 10:08:03.550 V/KscService( 3029): startMNRMoniter action:Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.fileexplorer/cn.kuaipan.android.service.KscService (has extras) }, type=2
04-02 10:08:03.550 V/KscService( 3029): stopMNRMoniter
04-02 10:08:03.550 V/KscService( 3029): Receive event: Intent { act=KscService.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.fileexplorer/cn.kuaipan.android.service.KscService (has extras) }, from KscService
04-02 10:08:03.600 D/CMStats ( 3077): CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
04-02 10:08:03.610 D/dalvikvm( 922): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
04-02 10:08:03.620 I/StringUtils( 3091): NewVersion: MIUI-3.3.29, oldVersion: MIUI-3.3.29
04-02 10:08:03.620 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131131
04-02 10:08:03.620 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131131 when=-2ms }
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131131 when=-2ms }
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectModeState
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectModeState{ what=131131 when=-3ms }
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: DriverStartedState
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): DriverStartedState{ what=131131 when=-3ms }
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131131 when=-3ms }
04-02 10:08:03.630 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:03.630 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/===> int loc_eng_agps_open(loc_eng_data_s_type&, AGpsType, char const*, AGpsBearerType) line 900
04-02 10:08:03.630 I/LocationManagerService( 501): request network (pid 31438) 100 0
04-02 10:08:03.640 E/LocSvc_api_rpc_glue( 501): I/---> loc_ioctl line 557 RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INFORM_SERVER_MULTI_OPEN_STATUS
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,641 - [DEBUG::PushService] - onStart() with intent.Action = com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.network_status_changed
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,646 - [DEBUG::PushService] - current active network:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,647 - [DEBUG::PushService] - network connected, do reconnect
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,648 - [DEBUG::PushService] - no channel registered, return.
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/GpsLocationProvider( 501): Gps MessageHandler. msg.what 4 msg.arg1:2 msg.arg2: 0
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 sending call (XID 103).
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received REPLY (XID 103), grabbing mutex to wake up client.
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 call success.
04-02 10:08:03.640 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 waiting for XDR input buffer to be consumed.
04-02 10:08:03.650 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_IOCTL_REPORT
04-02 10:08:03.650 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:03.650 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7849, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:03.650 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7849)
04-02 10:08:03.700 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 3120): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
04-02 10:08:03.700 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 3120): background data: true
04-02 10:08:03.710 V/KscService( 3029): startMNRMoniter action:Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.fileexplorer/cn.kuaipan.android.service.KscService (has extras) }, type=2
04-02 10:08:03.720 V/KscService( 3029): stopMNRMoniter
04-02 10:08:03.720 V/KscService( 3029): Receive event: Intent { act=KscService.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.fileexplorer/cn.kuaipan.android.service.KscService (has extras) }, from KscService
04-02 10:08:03.740 D/CMStats ( 3077): CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: noConnectivity = false
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/dalvikvm( 922): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1399K, 50% free 8145K/16135K, paused 5ms+21ms, total 100ms
04-02 10:08:03.750 W/DrmManagerClient( 922): You should have called release()
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131131
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectModeState
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectModeState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: DriverStartedState
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): DriverStartedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131131 when=0 }
04-02 10:08:03.750 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:03.760 I/LocationManagerService( 501): request network (pid 31438) 100 0
04-02 10:08:03.760 I/StringUtils( 3091): NewVersion: MIUI-3.3.29, oldVersion: MIUI-3.3.29
04-02 10:08:03.770 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,777 - [DEBUG::PushService] - onStart() with intent.Action = com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.network_status_changed
04-02 10:08:03.770 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,780 - [DEBUG::PushService] - current active network:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
04-02 10:08:03.780 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,781 - [DEBUG::PushService] - network connected, do reconnect
04-02 10:08:03.780 D/PushService( 869): 2013-04-02 21:08:03,782 - [DEBUG::PushService] - no channel registered, return.
04-02 10:08:03.800 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 3120): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
04-02 10:08:03.800 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 3120): background data: true
04-02 10:08:04.000 D/ConnectivityService( 501): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
04-02 10:08:04.000 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmAsuLevel=25
04-02 10:08:04.000 W/SignalStrength( 771): getCdmaAsuLevel=99
04-02 10:08:04.000 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-02 10:08:04.000 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-02 10:08:04.000 W/SignalStrength( 771): getGsmLevel=4
04-02 10:08:04.000 W/SignalStrength( 771): getLevel=4
04-02 10:08:04.000 D/ConnectivityService( 501): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION
04-02 10:08:04.000 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 771): updateTelephonySignalStrength: mSignalStrength == 25(GSM) 99(CDMA)
04-02 10:08:04.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7850, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7850)
04-02 10:08:04.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c494498
04-02 10:08:04.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c494498
04-02 10:08:04.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7851, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7851)
04-02 10:08:04.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7852, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c319ba8
04-02 10:08:04.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c5e42c0
04-02 10:08:04.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7852)
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7853, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7853)
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7854, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7854)
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7855, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c5e42c0
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c5e42c0
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c5e42c0
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:04.420 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7855)
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7856, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7856)
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7857, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7857)
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7858, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:04.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7858)
04-02 10:08:05.320 D/ConnectivityService( 501): ConnectivityChange for mobile_supl: CONNECTING/CONNECTING
04-02 10:08:05.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7859, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7859)
04-02 10:08:05.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8b7a48
04-02 10:08:05.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x406b26b8
04-02 10:08:05.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7860, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7860)
04-02 10:08:05.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7861, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7861)
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce46490
04-02 10:08:05.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8b7a80
04-02 10:08:05.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8b7a80
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7862, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7862)
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7863, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7863)
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7864, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7864)
04-02 10:08:05.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8b7a80
04-02 10:08:05.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x616629b0
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7865, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7865)
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7866, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7866)
04-02 10:08:05.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:05.470 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:05.470 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:05.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7867, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:05.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7867)
04-02 10:08:06.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:08:06.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:06.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:06.280 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:08:06.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:06.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-3ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:06.280 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:06.280 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-4ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:06.280 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:08:06.290 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:08:06.290 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:06.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7868, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7868)
04-02 10:08:06.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c7cfb30
04-02 10:08:06.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb4cc10
04-02 10:08:06.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7869, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7869)
04-02 10:08:06.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7870, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7870)
04-02 10:08:06.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce46490
04-02 10:08:06.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7871, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7871)
04-02 10:08:06.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c7cfb80
04-02 10:08:06.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7872, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.470 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7872)
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.500 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.500 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c7cfb80
04-02 10:08:06.500 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.500 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c7cfb80
04-02 10:08:06.500 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7873, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7873)
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7874, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7874)
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7875, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.510 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x616629b0
04-02 10:08:06.510 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:06.510 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:06.510 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7875)
04-02 10:08:06.510 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:06.510 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7876, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:06.510 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7876)
04-02 10:08:07.370 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7877, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7877)
04-02 10:08:07.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c6a89e8
04-02 10:08:07.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7878, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7878)
04-02 10:08:07.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7879, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbd3da8
04-02 10:08:07.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce46490
04-02 10:08:07.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c49eb20
04-02 10:08:07.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7879)
04-02 10:08:07.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7880, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7880)
04-02 10:08:07.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7881, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c49eb20
04-02 10:08:07.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c49eb20
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7881)
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7882, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7882)
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7883, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7883)
04-02 10:08:07.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x616629b0
04-02 10:08:07.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:07.430 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:07.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7884, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7884)
04-02 10:08:07.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:07.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7885, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:07.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7885)
04-02 10:08:08.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7886, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7886)
04-02 10:08:08.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8ce798
04-02 10:08:08.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7887, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb2ad68
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce46490
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8ce7e8
04-02 10:08:08.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7887)
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7888, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7888)
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7889, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7889)
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7890, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7890)
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7891, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8ce7e8
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8ce7e8
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb426a0
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:08.420 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7891)
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7892, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7892)
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7893, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7893)
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:08.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7894, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:08.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7894)
04-02 10:08:09.290 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:08:09.290 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:09.290 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-3ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:09.290 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:09.290 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-3ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:09.290 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:08:09.310 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:08:09.310 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:09.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7895, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7895)
04-02 10:08:09.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cd55450
04-02 10:08:09.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7896, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7896)
04-02 10:08:09.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7897, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb75790
04-02 10:08:09.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce46490
04-02 10:08:09.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:09.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7897)
04-02 10:08:09.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7898, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7898)
04-02 10:08:09.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7899, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:09.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:09.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c2f59e0
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7899)
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7900, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7900)
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7901, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7901)
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7902, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7902)
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:09.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7903, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:09.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:09.430 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:09.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7903)
04-02 10:08:10.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7904, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7904)
04-02 10:08:10.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c874de0
04-02 10:08:10.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:10.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7905, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7905)
04-02 10:08:10.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7906, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7906)
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5ce46490
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7907, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7907)
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7908, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7908)
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7909, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7909)
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7910, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c874e30
04-02 10:08:10.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:10.420 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7910)
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7911, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7911)
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7912, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:10.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7912)
04-02 10:08:11.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7913, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7913)
04-02 10:08:11.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:11.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7914, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:11.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7914)
04-02 10:08:11.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7915, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7915)
04-02 10:08:11.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7916, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8b8790
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c8d1e48
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7916)
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7917, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7917)
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7918, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7918)
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7919, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.450 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c874e30
04-02 10:08:11.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:11.450 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7919)
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7920, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7920)
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7921, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:11.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7921)
04-02 10:08:12.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:08:12.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:12.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:12.310 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:08:12.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:12.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-4ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:12.310 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:12.310 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-4ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:12.310 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:08:12.320 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:08:12.320 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:12.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7922, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7922)
04-02 10:08:12.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:12.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7923, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7923)
04-02 10:08:12.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7924, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:12.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c643498
04-02 10:08:12.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7924)
04-02 10:08:12.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7925, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7925)
04-02 10:08:12.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7926, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbc8cf8
04-02 10:08:12.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7926)
04-02 10:08:12.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbc8cf8
04-02 10:08:12.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbc8cf8
04-02 10:08:12.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7927, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7927)
04-02 10:08:12.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7928, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7928)
04-02 10:08:12.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cceb580
04-02 10:08:12.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:12.440 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:12.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7929, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7929)
04-02 10:08:12.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:12.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7930, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:12.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7930)
04-02 10:08:13.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7931, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7931)
04-02 10:08:13.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:13.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7932, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:13.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7932)
04-02 10:08:13.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7933, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7933)
04-02 10:08:13.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c643498
04-02 10:08:13.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x61663a50
04-02 10:08:13.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x61663a50
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7934, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7934)
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7935, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7935)
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7936, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x61663a50
04-02 10:08:13.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cceb580
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7936)
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7937, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7937)
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7938, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7938)
04-02 10:08:13.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:13.450 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:13.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:13.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7939, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:13.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7939)
04-02 10:08:13.580 D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 771): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout@41855448child view android.widget.FrameLayout@41886a18 measured out of bounds at 97px clamped to 98px
04-02 10:08:13.580 D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 771): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout@42102af0child view android.widget.FrameLayout@42104f48 measured out of bounds at 97px clamped to 98px
04-02 10:08:13.600 D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 771): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout@41855448child view android.widget.FrameLayout@41886a18 measured out of bounds at 97px clamped to 98px
04-02 10:08:13.600 D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 771): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout@42102af0child view android.widget.FrameLayout@42104f48 measured out of bounds at 97px clamped to 98px
04-02 10:08:13.600 V/PhoneStatusBar( 771): setLightsOn(true)
04-02 10:08:13.600 D/PhoneStatusBar( 771): disable: < expand icons alerts TICKER* system_info back home recent clock >
04-02 10:08:13.610 D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 771): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout@41855448child view android.widget.FrameLayout@41886a18 measured out of bounds at 97px clamped to 98px
04-02 10:08:13.610 D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 771): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout@42102af0child view android.widget.FrameLayout@42104f48 measured out of bounds at 97px clamped to 98px
04-02 10:08:13.790 D/ConnectivityService( 501): ConnectivityService FeatureUser expire(0, enableSUPL, android.os.Binder@41fd9f10), created 60009 mSec ago
04-02 10:08:13.790 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature: net 0: enableSUPL
04-02 10:08:13.790 D/ConnectivityService( 501): stopUsingNetworkFeature: this process has no outstanding requests, ignoring
04-02 10:08:14.010 I/XIAOMIANALYTICS( 771): start session(com.android.systemui)
04-02 10:08:14.010 I/XIAOMIANALYTICS( 771): end session(com.android.systemui)
04-02 10:08:14.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7940, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7940)
04-02 10:08:14.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.410 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.410 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb4d620
04-02 10:08:14.410 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7941, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.420 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cb4d620
04-02 10:08:14.420 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7941)
04-02 10:08:14.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7942, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7942)
04-02 10:08:14.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7943, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cceee10
04-02 10:08:14.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c1a5bb0
04-02 10:08:14.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.430 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c1a5bb0
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7943)
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7944, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7944)
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7945, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7945)
04-02 10:08:14.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c1a5bb0
04-02 10:08:14.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cceb580
04-02 10:08:14.440 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:14.440 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7946, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7946)
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7947, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7947)
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7948, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:14.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7948)
04-02 10:08:15.000 W/SignalStrength( 843): Size of signalstrength parcel:60
04-02 10:08:15.010 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal before validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:15.010 W/SignalStrength( 843): Signal after validate=SignalStrength: 25 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 8 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte
04-02 10:08:15.230 W/KeyguardViewMediator( 501): verifyUnlock called when not externally disabled
04-02 10:08:15.320 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
04-02 10:08:15.320 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:15.330 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-3ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:15.330 D/StateMachine( 501): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
04-02 10:08:15.330 D/WifiStateMachine( 501): L2ConnectedState{ what=131155 when=-4ms arg1=11 }
04-02 10:08:15.330 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): wpa_s 0x40956648 cmd SIGNAL_POLL
04-02 10:08:15.340 D/wpa_supplicant( 713): nl80211: survey data missing!
04-02 10:08:15.340 D/StateMachine( 501): handleMessage: X
04-02 10:08:15.340 D/ ( 3467): 10059 com.nolanlawson.logcat executing 0 /system/bin/sh
04-02 10:08:15.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.380 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7949, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.380 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7949)
04-02 10:08:15.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.400 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.400 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:15.400 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7950, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7950)
04-02 10:08:15.420 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.430 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.430 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7951, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.440 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cc40ff0
04-02 10:08:15.440 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7951)
04-02 10:08:15.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.450 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.450 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7952, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c490b18
04-02 10:08:15.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c4a74a8
04-02 10:08:15.460 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.460 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c4a74a8
04-02 10:08:15.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7952)
04-02 10:08:15.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7953, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7953)
04-02 10:08:15.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.460 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7954, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.480 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7954)
04-02 10:08:15.480 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.480 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.480 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5c4a74a8
04-02 10:08:15.480 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7955, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7955)
04-02 10:08:15.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.490 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.490 E/LocSvc_eng( 501): I/<=== nmea_cb line 1559 0x5cbf7330
04-02 10:08:15.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7956, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.490 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7956)
04-02 10:08:15.500 E/LocSvc_adapter( 501): I/<--- int32 loc_event_cb(void*, rpc_loc_client_handle_type, rpc_loc_event_mask_type, const rpc_loc_event_payload_u_type*) line 70 RPC_LOC_EVENT_SATELLITE_REPORT
04-02 10:08:15.500 E/LocSvc_afw( 501): I/<=== sv_status_cb - line 960 18
04-02 10:08:15.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 received CALL.
04-02 10:08:15.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 7957, xdr 0x5c8d2008) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
04-02 10:08:15.500 D/RPC ( 501): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 7957)
04-02 10:08:15.540 W/InputMethodManagerService( 501): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41863690 attribute=null
04-02 10:08:15.540 V/PhoneStatusBar( 771): setLightsOn(true)
04-02 10:08:15.540 D/PhoneStatusBar( 771): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker* system_info back home recent clock >
04-02 10:08:15.720 D/ ( 3472): 10059 com.nolanlawson.logcat executing 0 /system/bin/sh
04-02 10:08:15.810 D/ ( 3475): 10059 com.nolanlawson.logcat executing 0 /system/bin/sh