MULTI 4.5.16

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No we won't. We make multilang roms without Chinese bloat.

Wysłane z MI3
ma per MI2 ancora deve uscire in lingua Italiana?
MI2 but still has to come out in Italian?
Sorry but for to use Miui from 4.5.9 i must flash always 4.4.25 and update the rom? 4.5.9 and 4.5.16 version are impossible to flash with twrp and cwm recovery (error 7). Please check this!!!

Edit: no with cwm also 4.4.25 don't flash
Sorry but for to use Miui from 4.5.9 i must flash always 4.4.25 and update the rom? 4.5.9 and 4.5.16 version are impossible to flash with twrp and cwm recovery (error 7). Please check this!!!

Edit: no with cwm also 4.4.25 don't flash
Try this
The solution for 4.5.9 is here :
and modified updater script here :
Vibration strenght (in sound options) problem still in this version, I've checked that is a translation misunderstood.

In spanish language, "suave" enables strong vibration" and "fuerte" enables soft vibration.

A dutch translation misses in the call log for telephonecalls that uccured 'just now' or within a 'few minutes ago'.

Happens on MI-2(s) and Mi3 W Miui Dutch.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 2 met Tapatalk
I identify that starting with version 4.4.19 the one responsible for porting the rom has changed the update-binary file to a version that is only compatible with CWM and when using another recovery generates the error of not recognizing the SIM.

For test purposes, I extracted the file from version 4.4.11 (which works on any recovery) and put in version 4.5.9, changed the updater-script in the line that formats the system partition and removed the last parameter ("/system") . Work too with 4.5.16 version.

I used the latest version of Philz and it worked perfectly. I also tested with TWRP successfully too.

I attached a zip with the update-binary and updater-script with the necessary changes.
Extract, open ROM zip e put files in "\META-INF\com\google\android\" folder.


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For I9500, can I install MIUI with TWRP recovery?

EDIT: saw the flashing problem with TWRP and some CWM. I guess I will download 4.4.11 as that was the last best working version.
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