Assisted location Disable


9 Aug 2024
Good morning.
I am Japanese and I am posting this using Deepl Translate!
This data is only for the last month, but I am having trouble with my data usage doubling and tripling from when I was using the Xperia 5 ii!
I used to be able to get by with 1GB a day at most, but now it has ballooned to almost 3GB!
I looked at the settings to find out what was causing this and found that the auxiliary GPS was turned on in the location settings. I thought this might be the cause. I turned off location information (including auxiliary GPS) and spent the month of August with it turned off, and the amount of usage went down. However, when I turn on the GPS, the auxiliary GPS sometimes seems to switch to on by itself. It seems that in order to turn on "Find my device", I have to turn on location all the time(?). Is it possible to disable the auxiliary GPS while keeping the GPS turned on?
Also, I would like to know if there are other settings that can reduce data usage.

Devices used
Xiaomi 13 Ultra
ROM used
Hyper OS by

Translated with DeepL
There is no way to disable the auxiliary GPS, also that feature turns on everytime you enter a bank app or any app related to money , also as you mentioned the "find my device" need that feature to work but do you really need it?, the permission app which is under privacy protection use the GPS as well, i tried to disabled it but is not possible, and some others like xioami service framework and Google use it without telling you, so yeah that might be the reason why you have a big data usage.