Batterylife Life Note 4


30 Oct 2016
I dont get it, redmi Note 4 3gb 64 gb rom and batterylife is terrible. Only 3 to 4 hours sot and drain of 1/ 2% per hour. Installed different weeklies dirty, Clean, wiped cache, dalvik etc. System language english, Dutch i tried everything, it doesnt Help one bit. Underclocked cpu, freezed xiaomi frameworks with titanium backup caus it was causing wakelocks .Im very dissapointed with this Device. think Im gonna sell, this sucks
You can go to this url in this image can solve your problem:
I dont get it, redmi Note 4 3gb 64 gb rom and batterylife is terrible. Only 3 to 4 hours sot and drain of 1/ 2% per hour. Installed different weeklies dirty, Clean, wiped cache, dalvik etc. System language english, Dutch i tried everything, it doesnt Help one bit. Underclocked cpu, freezed xiaomi frameworks with titanium backup caus it was causing wakelocks .Im very dissapointed with this Device. think Im gonna sell, this sucks
I agree. Battery life is better than most phones but not good enough in my opinion.