Does contain TalkBack?


22 Sep 2021
Hello everyone,
this is my first topic on this forum so I apologizei n advance if I have posted my question in a wrong room or if there any other problems arising from my posting.
Today is the day, I finally can unlock my Mi11 bootloader (yay!), but since I am a blind user I need to ask you, does contain Talkback service and is the accessibility shortcut enabled on the first startup? I need that because otherwise I will not be able to set up my phone without an assistance from a sighted person, and such assistance is not currently available for me. At first I wantedt o go for Miui CHina (I can understand CHinese and I have no problem with the interface), but I heard there are problems with NFC payments and I use them a lot. This is why I have discovered Xiaomi.EU, as it seem to be based on the CHinese MIUI, with some european additions.
Thanks in advance from any response.
Nope. We don't normally include Google apps that can be installed from Play Store. How are you planning to flash our ROM though?
Nope. We don't normally include Google apps that can be installed from Play Store. How are you planning to flash our ROM though?

I will use my computer to help me. I will use the ADB (Android Debug Bridge) tool in conjunction with TWRP to flash your ROM without sighted assistance.
1. First, I will unlock the bootloader with Xiaomi's official tool.
2. Then, I will flash TWRP via Fastboot, just as the sighted do.
3. I will reboot to recovery and then I will use some special commands of TWRP to flash, namely
adb shell twrp wipe data
adb shell twrp install
This way i can flash the ROM autonomously and I can even get the TWRP output straight to my console, where it is read by my computer screenreader. But since TalkBack is not included, I will have to install the China ROM or write a Magisk module by myself that will install the Talkback for me.
As far as I remember, Magisk can be flashed with Recovery, am I right?
As far as I remember, Magisk can be flashed with Recovery, am I right?
Sure but as far as I remember, there's another step required from the Magisk app itself, not sure what it's for though.
Sure but as far as I remember, there's another step required from the Magisk app itself, not sure what it's for though.

haha, I won't give up even though I already should have done so. I already found a work-arround, and I will try and install the thing fully autonomously on my own! Once my idea works, could you please share it in an easily accessible location so that other blind people can find it if necessary?