Release End of Life announcement for the following ROMs


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Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
Hi everyone,

As you may already know Xiaomi has been 100% focused on delivery of the ICS ROM to newer devices and has put all older devices on a back-burner.

In light of this there has been a few weeks of some devices not having any new builds. This is because China is slowly bringing some devices to the end of life stage for the MIUI ROM.

Those devices which are EOLed are as follows:
  1. Nexus One
  2. DesireZ
  3. Desire
  4. Samsung Captivate
  5. Samsung Vibrant
All good things must come to an end. My Desire had a hell of a good run, and now it will stay on 2.4.13 to it's dying days ;)

There will be other devs and enthusiasts that will continue to work on a ICS port for Desire, rest assured. For those willing to try, has a ICS-beta for Desire wich works quite well. It's built around Evervolv 0.5.1 but it looks like there will be no more support for that rom either :(

For now it's RIP, but what know what the future holds :cool:
I'm using that ROM right now, a bit unstable though. I really wish they continued to develop it because they actually did a good job.
It's too bad the development is stoping for these kind of popular devices, but understandable. Even though they could try to include Desire in their ICS roms :b

Good luck and Godspeed.
I would love to see MIUI ICS ROM coming out for Desire too, Desire has been there throughout the android evolution and has proven track record of successful portability. Looking at Sandvold's ICS ROM for Desire, I'm sure MIUI would do better than that, it Should.
I would love to see MIUI ICS ROM coming out for Desire too, Desire has been there throughout the android evolution and has proven track record of successful portability. Looking at Sandvold's ICS ROM for Desire, I'm sure MIUI would do better than that, it Should.

As per Xiaomi's guidelines. This device does not pass the device spec minimum.

576 MB RAM; 512 MB ROM

and the manufacturer are not releasing ICS for this device. So it will not get it officially. Sorry.
As per Xiaomi's guidelines. This device does not pass the device spec minimum.

576 MB RAM; 512 MB ROM

and the manufacturer are not releasing ICS for this device. So it will not get it officially. Sorry.

As per xiamoi's guidelines the defy ? Where do we stand?
As anta40 asked, is there any news on the HTC Desire HD? I see it wasn't listed. I only ask so that I can adjust it or remove it from my Desire HD rom list, which Desire HD users often use.
Could you please post a link to the last DHD (GB) rom that was listed. Much appreciated.
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