ForceClose selecting new contact in Contact Owner app (lockscreen contact display)


Nov 8, 2011
This is on a T-Mobile Vibrant (Samsung Galaxy S) running
the latest MIUI build, 1.11.11.

Before upgrading :) to MIUI I had the contact owner app installed
and configured with my contact information. This puts a name and
number (and other information if you want) on the lock screen so
if your screen is lost and password protected, there is some chance
a nice person might find it and give you a call.

After installing MIUI the app continues to run and the contact
information is displayed however if I run the app and select "contact
information" and then click on the contact name to change it, it
switches to the contact selection screen (although the screen is
blank) and then I get a ForceClose.

Does anyone else use this app? Is there a better way to get
contact information displayed on the lock screen?