Gps So Strange In Xiaomi Mi4s, With All Rom

Alexandre Fuchs

24 Jul 2016

First i would say that i'm sorry for my baaaad english, i'm doing my best ;3

So here is my problem, i have a xiaomi mi4s with the rom MIUI7-MI4s-6.5.26-FR and my gps is sooooo Indistinct or ineffective. Actually, when i open an app like google maps/pokémon go or ware, my gps goes wrong : most of the time he block, then it just stop and Teleports throughout the map, with an indistinctness about 100m.. But i've noticed that when i'm not walking, and when i walk the indistinctness is less bigger, and ometimes distinct. This is horrible when i'm driving and using the gps, always missing one road or when i want to get some pokestop :p!
To fix this bug, i've check many forums, try every soluce i've found, but no one of them worked :
- i've changed my rom, goes to Miui 8,stable, beta, and with making or without making a reset of my data / cache, no issues Also on older version of Miui 7.
- I've root my phone to change from myself the gps conf : with an app doing it automaticaly, or manually with changing the gps.conf in the system,
replaced by european server, or french one, even if with a gps.conf from a xiaomi wich the gps is working well, and nobody worked, the bug were still there.
- I've changed the permession of my gps.cong in RW-R-R
- From this time, i've begin to desesperate, so i've tried thins like getting out the sim, or disable the 4G, ...
- I've download the A-GPS, he found 7 server, but 5 secondes after they all disapeared and impossible to get them back.

We have to know that i've disabled the historique of position in gooogle, i have my gps in hight precision, i have no economisation of battery.

I'm so lost people, i think that i tried everything possible and the bug is persisting. I don't want to change my phone for this ..

So if someone has an idea, tell me and i will thanks him much :3 !

If you have any question, i will answer you fast, just ask

Thanks you, have a good day :)
@Alexandre Fuchs there is a hidden menu that dialing from call options
*#*#64663#*#* appears.
you have to give root permissions. and 30 is the GPS option. I fix my mistakes here with the proximity sensor thanks to a fellow HTCMania

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You could have bad antenna. you have should contact the store where you bought it

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your rom was coming from the factory. it is original rom. you can try if you want to put a Chinese / English Original rom and test the GPS. and if it works put a rom of if the first does not work bad business
it may be that you have placed rom

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you have unlocked the bootloader. you have installed TWRP.

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I've never had problems with GPS. if you want to try the latest weekly, I leave the link.

as a last resort if you do not work either, I start again from scratch. 7.2.5 rom and gps test

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First i would say that i'm sorry for my baaaad english, i'm doing my best ;3

So here is my problem, i have a xiaomi mi4s with the rom MIUI7-MI4s-6.5.26-FR and my gps is sooooo Indistinct or ineffective. Actually, when i open an app like google maps/pokémon go or ware, my gps goes wrong : most of the time he block, then it just stop and Teleports throughout the map, with an indistinctness about 100m.. But i've noticed that when i'm not walking, and when i walk the indistinctness is less bigger, and ometimes distinct. This is horrible when i'm driving and using the gps, always missing one road or when i want to get some pokestop :p!
To fix this bug, i've check many forums, try every soluce i've found, but no one of them worked :
- i've changed my rom, goes to Miui 8,stable, beta, and with making or without making a reset of my data / cache, no issues Also on older version of Miui 7.
- I've root my phone to change from myself the gps conf : with an app doing it automaticaly, or manually with changing the gps.conf in the system,
replaced by european server, or french one, even if with a gps.conf from a xiaomi wich the gps is working well, and nobody worked, the bug were still there.
- I've changed the permession of my gps.cong in RW-R-R
- From this time, i've begin to desesperate, so i've tried thins like getting out the sim, or disable the 4G, ...
- I've download the A-GPS, he found 7 server, but 5 secondes after they all disapeared and impossible to get them back.

We have to know that i've disabled the historique of position in gooogle, i have my gps in hight precision, i have no economisation of battery.

I'm so lost people, i think that i tried everything possible and the bug is persisting. I don't want to change my phone for this ..

So if someone has an idea, tell me and i will thanks him much :3 !

If you have any question, i will answer you fast, just ask

Thanks you, have a good day :)
HI. My 4s never had that problem. Actually, i have no bugs. I'm very satisfied. I only use developer official rom and use English language. Maybe you should have a defective hardware and should activate warranty. Já agora, és tuga?