
18 Jan 2023
Hello guys,
I really need your help here I don't know what to do. This is an android problem, specifically on Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro.
I installed busybox SB Patcher (which is a modified version of lucky patcher from sbenny. com). I tried to use it and it crashed, after that all the apps on my phone got their icons replaced by the default android logo and had their names replaced with their original app names (com. google. etc.). Any application I tried to use would not work. After a while of nothing working I rebooted the device and now it won't boot. It's stuck at the MIUI Logo. After a while I get to the MIUI Rescue System were my only option is to wipe my data. I want to avoid losing my data at all costs.
The devices was rooted. I am not new to this kind of stuff, I have rooted a lot of devices in the past and used lucky patcher before and this is a first, I have no clue what could have possibly gone wrong or why it happened. I am pretty sure it was not a virus. I scanned the files using 2 different antivirus software plus the built in security before and after installation (I always do that to be extra safe).
I know it has something with either busybox or SB Patcher, maybe something went wrong when it was trying to build the custom apk ? I really don't know. My devices has been rooted for about 1,5 years now so i am positive it is not the rom or the root.
For root I followed this guide: XDA Forums Root Guide
I am at a loss here, I feel quite stupid to be honest. Is there anything to do to save my phone without wiping my data ?
Thank you all so much ! Any other information you might need I can and will provide!

I am thinking about plugging the phone in my computer to see if I have access to my files, if they are still there and see what is going on, but I am not sure if it is safe or if it's a good idea
Also I should mention I can boot into TWRP but I can't find any system files. System is mounted but I see that it reads internal storage as 0mb. I couldn't find why
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