Xiaomi MI-ONE S dual-core (front facing camera)

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Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Hi all,

Xiaomi have just announced one of the things from today, a Dual-core update to the MI-ONE Plus in the form of the Xiaomi MI-ONE S dual-core front-facing camera model.

We are going to be posting more news as the conference continues!

CPU upgrade: Qualcomm dual-core 1.7G, clocked the fastest dual-core mobile phone; increase in pre-back-illuminated second generation camera 2 million pixels (photosensitive 8 million pixels / devices / 1080p high-definition camera); quality significantly improved camera, rear back-illuminated second-generation light-sensitive devices / F2.2 large aperture / 28mm wide-angle.

Watch this space!
Check this tread: http://e.t.qq.com/xiaomikeji



very cheap i have to say.. but 500 yuans extra for the xiaomi 2 is the way to go if you decide to buy xiaomi.

xiaomi 2 phone is so cheap that sometimes i wonder if these lower end versions sells well, i say a lot of people would prefer xiaomi 2
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