MIUI 1.7.1 Changelog


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Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>This weeks changelog:</p>
<p><span title=""><strong>Recommended updates this week:</strong><br /><br />
1 new system update for details<br /><br />
2.Defy support the new version of FM for details<br /><br />
3 Desktop Slide fluency increased by 30% View Details<br /><br />
<strong><br /><br />
System:</strong><br /><br />
New version of System Update<br /><br />
Optimize the i9000, T959, i897, DHD, Desire Z to upgrade to the latest kernel<br /><br />
Optimization of integrated GPS patch HD2<br /><br />
Defy optimized with the use of Euclidean and optimize communication signal<br /><br />
After the repair screenshot gallery does not display the latest screenshots of the problem<br /><br />
Download disk repair network problems the DSP ineffective<br /><br />
Repair Sina microblogging Picture dialog box displays unusual problems<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Phone:</strong><br /><br />
Logic optimization dial list, click into the dial-up and optimization of the contact interactions into<br /><br />
Optimization of the call, click the remote control operation by the mute button to hang up<br /><br />
Optimization of three-way call, the fourth way to interact with the phone<br /><br />
Optimization of third-party call is connected, the "more" is automatically expanded panel<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Contacts:</strong><br /><br />
Optimize the contact interface to increase collection preservation, cancel button<br /><br />
Fix sim card into the interface problem of cross-screen display error<br /><br />
<strong><br /><br />
Messaging:</strong><br /><br />
New contact information is received, you can quickly import View Details<br /><br />
New text messages to send and receive animated<br /><br />
Send contact information to optimize enhanced functionality, you can choose some or all of the contact information to send<br /><br />
Optimization when writing text messages, the first call will first jump into the mass calling interface to edit<br /><br />
MMS will be automatically removed to optimize the preparation of call and prompt mass (mass operator MMS does not support call)<br /><br />
Repair to write messages, add contacts after the keyboard input will close up the problem<br /><br />
Fix bulk delete messages when the session is always a "delete SMS Collection," prompts the question<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Camera:</strong><br /><br />
Defy camera supports full-screen photo optimization<br /><br />
Fix some problems Defy camera zoom Huaping<br /><br />
Camera to take pictures in some cases repair lead to crash, restart problem (mainly for desire, N1)<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Themes:</strong><br /><br />
Optimize the lock screen lock screen wallpaper style and phone support for different resolutions<br /><br />
Repair replacement of two consecutive incomplete theme will lead to a change problem<br /><br />
Repair Details page in the subject, USB storage problems opening lead FC<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Lockscreen &amp; Statusbar:</strong><br /><br />
Variety lock screen repair applications, the use of passwords leading to display abnormal patterns of problem<br /><br />
Defy repair the problem has two USB icon<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Homescreen:</strong><br /><br />
Added support for custom wallpaper theme package is sliding fast desktop screen scroll bar style<br /><br />
Rewrite the bottom of the desktop graphics optimized to enhance the desktop, sliding about 30% fluency<br /><br />
Optimize the desktop menu added "desktop thumbnail" to remove the thumbnail mode, press the Home key to enter the way to remove the menu, "notice" entry<br /><br />
Repair in some cases lead to problems black desktop wallpaper<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Settings:</strong><br /><br />
Optimization of first click, or press the volume control keys only exhaled volume indicator panel, click again or press began to adjust the volume<br /><br />
Optimized by the volume mute button to enter the next state, the volume indicator panel shows "mute the ringing tone."<br /><br />
Repair as mute output device cause the system to switch the volume to 0 issues<br /><br />
Repair media volume reduced to silence when the volume panel icon indicates the wrong question<br /><br />
Repair Moto models fully restored to the native system's USB settings<br /><br />
Top of the page can not repair the battery indicator shows full power of time and power consumption issues<br /><br />
<br /><br />
</span><span title=""><strong>FM:</strong><br /><br />
</span><span title="">Added support for new FM Defy</span></p>