MIUI 1.7.15 Changelog


Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Good morning everyone,

Here is this weeks changelog, as usual translated into English to help benefit users with more understandable change information.

MIUI 1.7.15 will be delayed by approx 1-2 hours today due to packaging issues.

This weeks release will see the long awaited FM 2.0 added for 6 official devices; Nexus One, Desire, DesireZ, Desire HD, HD2 and the Defy

<strong>No further stable ROM updates this week, will occur monthly. The latest current stable version is based on 1.6.24, stable MIUI version 2.3.4a.</strong>

<strong>Recommended updates:</strong>
1.FM radio 2.0 to support 5 new devices
2. New homescreen icons, styles and widget editing mode
3. Clock and Photo frame widgets theme support

Read on for full updates...
Optimised system UI (Removed Common tab)
Optimised pop-up box style
Optimised system updates interface
Defy power optimisation
Optimised multi-touch support for Defy
Optimisation of integrating energy-saving patch for Desire HD
Optimisation of flashing updates and access to update log
Fix issue with system updates being unable to be applied after download
Fix issue in some cases where system update causes FC

Optimise notification display after recording call
Fix issue where in some cases calls cannot be made
Fixed issue creating a data connection during calls
Fixed issue where caller interface is blocked by lockscreen

Contact photo to support text colours and font size settings
Added new Settings menu page

Optimise display of GIF animations
Optimised line spacing of messages to enhance readability
Fix date issue in Mms messages displays 1970-1-16
Fixed Issue of conversation time displayed as "Just now" after MMS deleted
Fixed abnormal display of list mode on conversation page
Fix SMS long name display issues
Fixed Mms delivery reports problem

<strong>Lockscreen & Status bar:</strong>
New lockscreen optimisations
Optimised mute switch to show current volume when pressed
Optimised music controls on lockscreen to display album artwork
Optimised alignment of variety lockscreen elements
Variety lockscreen image optimisation to increase anti-aliasing support (specified in XML, off by default)
Fixed issue where some lockscreen themes caused reboot issue
Fixed issue when holding buttons for extended time clears notifications
Fixed problem with lockscreen display issues where restart is required to fix issue

Fix issue where contents of lockscreen status bar are not immediately displayed after applying theme

<strong>Homescreen (Desktop):</strong>
Edit and add new homescreen widgets
Added new homescreen icons (Re apply default theme to see them)
New themable clock widgets
New themable photo frame widgets
Fix issue in some cases the theme will reset to defaults when applying new themes
Optimised loading of homescreen widgets

Optimised the camera interface

Fixed FC caused by entering gallery from clock
Fix issue hiding pictures and folder display being inconsistent

Optimised music interface

Added support for N1, Desire, HD2, DHD, and DesireZ
Added new sleep mode
Added Wi-Fi support
When listening to FM radio and call received, FM radio will exit
Volume control panel stretching issue on Defy fixed

<strong>Download manager:</strong>
Added new batch select mode (See Menu > Edit)
Added support to control download, pause / resume
Added full HTTP support for downloads
Fixed issue with download retry causing FC