MIUI 1.7.29 Changelog


Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
<pre><strong>Recommended updates this week:</strong>
1. New default browser (MIUI Browser formally Miren)
2. New AppShare application, now called SuperMarket.apk (Removed in our builds)
3. New Access control settings for passwords and app protection
Read on for full changelog...</pre>
New access control settings (See Settings &gt; Personal &gt; Access control)
New, Move photos to SD card after preparing SD card (first boot)
Defy OTA support (China only)
Fixed IP prefix format for international calling
Optimised Defy Wi-Fi signal, faster and more stable than previously
Optimised volume controls for keypad and other phone volume settings

Optimised prompt to inform call recording is not supported in handsfree modes
Fixed problem with call recordings list switching to the wrong item being highlighted in list
Optimisation of attempts remaining for PIN security entry
Optimised touch-tone dialing (Keypad) volume

Optimisation of picture pop-up loading speed
UI optimisations to picture pop-up menu
Optimised A-Z sliding strip speed and fluency

Added length check, longer messages than normal SMS automatically convert to Mms
Optimisation of slideshow photos
Fix some problems with message showing incorrect message when replying
Fix close message window after closing with keyboard back key (did not close)
Fixed some issues with editing interface
Fixed Mms attachment file name if it contained Chinese it could not be seen
HD2, Defy fix attachment too large to send problems with Mms

Drag the new shortcut into dock
Optimisation of App Killer UI
Drag apps in Edit wiget mode to the + icon to create new screen
Fix some widgets display incorrect sizes
Fix desktop wallpaper showing black or incomplete

New browser upgrade, tabbed browsing support, full-screen mode, reading mode other other new features

<strong>SuperMarket (Not applicable in our build):</strong>
New UI for SuperMarket.apk, formally AppShare.apk, allows sharing and recommendations much like Android Market

<strong>Lockscreen, status bar and notifications:</strong>
Reduce variety lockscreen mask memory footprint
Optimisation of the silent, vibrant status bar icons (now seperate icons)
Optimisation of Phone and SMS vibration notices with pop-up message options
Repair issue in some cases variety lockscreen caused flashing screen
Lockscreen music, fix lockscreen support for album art mask

Optimisation of themes, pictures and theme loading speed
Fixed issue where font updates caused problems with notification bar text

<strong>File Explorer:</strong>
New progress when prompted to delete files
Optimisation of calls from other apps and problems returning previous directory
Optimisation of SD card unavailable style
Fix problem with file lists in control panel
Fix Defy could not connect to FTP File manager on Windows

<strong>Sound Recorder:</strong>
Optimise audio playback directly from list
Fixed some issues regarding the recording button function

Defy will now support compass application

No network link optimisation, online cloud backup prompts

New volume control settings, control system, media, phone, notifications volumes (See Settings &gt; Personal &gt; Sound Settings &gt; Volume Settings)
APN fixed, when deleting show pop-up confirmation box
Fixed some issues with flightmode causing strange problems in the status bar</pre>